Friday, March 20, 2009
The Best Home Care Provider - Who Can You Trust
As people grow old, their siblings main concern is to provide them with home care assistance in their Golden years. It is better safe than sorry. The bottom line is that you are entrusting your loved one to a complete stranger. Therefore, it would be worth the money spent in checking applicant’s background.
1. What Is Home Care?
Home care pertains to services that are not medically related. It helps individuals, mostly the elderly, in going through a healthy lifestyle each day. Home care service became well liked mainly due to the fact that the elderly do not need to go to a hospice or house for the elderly to be taken care of. They can just remain at home where they are comfortable and be given services there. As people grow old, home errands like cleaning the house, buying groceries, cooking dishes, opening or carrying something heavy becomes harder. Also, personal grooming like taking a bath, dressing up, even getting up from bed or stairs could be difficult. Now, due to those home care service providers, there are people trained and monitored by agencies to give those types of services. As a rule, people who provide home care should be ready to perform their duty 24 hours each day. Depending on the arrangements, home care providers can work by shift, hourly, living-in or can be called when needed.
2. Types Of Home Care:
This service includes preparing meals, minor house cleaning, laundry, buying food and household needs and other chores at home.
Personal Care
Service totally focused on the daily activities of a client like taking a bath, getting dressed, use of toilet, eating and grooming.
This means that the home care provider is just somebody to talk to when needed. For example, the elderly is usually left at home when everybody is at work or in school. A home care provider is hired as a talking buddy. Depending on the arrangements, the service can be over the phone, a daily visit, or a stay-in companion.
Home Health Care Service
This service is performed by professionals that can provide help like nursing, psychiatric care, social work, health aides at home, respiratory therapy, speech development or occupational or physical therapy.
Respite Care
A volunteer trained in home care or professional lives in with the elderly or client. This is a comprehensive care giving service. Any help needed by the client will be provided by the home care provider.
3. Selection Tips:
Money matters
If money is an issue, agencies that provide home services are much expensive compared to individual providers. The advantage of an agency-based though is that they are professionally schooled and trained for the job. Individuals do not provide this assurance unless they present related proof of their professional training as a home care provider.
Easy To Deal With
Home care providers that are agency based have a much more systematic way and processes in dealing with clients. Payment is professionally processed and in case the provider is sick, an agency can give a replacement. Also if a problem comes up regarding the service provider, there is an agency wherein you can file a complaint; whereas for individual home care providers, you have no other person to report to if he or she falters. In case you decided to choose an individual provider instead, here are some things to do to assure that your loved one will be safe and given a good service.
- Know the person
- Perform a thorough interview
- Have clear expectations
- Explain clearly what you expect
- Discuss Salaries Immediately
- Ask for personal information
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The 12 Step Program Guide Provides Honest Help
Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization well-known for helping people with addiction problems. The 12 step program is the operational basis for the organizations program. Countless people attribute their success to the program. Many individuals have incorporated the 12 step program into their lives for all kinds of addictions besides alcoholism and drug problems. Anyone who wants to take control of his life and behavior may benefit from following a 12 step program.
As suggested by the title, there are twelve levels to the program. The first step is to surrender power. In other words, the persons life spins out of hand when alcohol, drug or other damaging elements take control. People like to pretend that they can manage the situation. However, there are certain cases in which trying to effect any kind of control is impossible. Admitting that cold hard fact is the first step towards success.
The next two steps urge the person to attempt to reach a higher power. Many critics of the 12 step program claim that in this respect, the system is too religious in nature. The second step asserts that the person needs have faith in a higher power and the third insists that the person needs to hand his life over to God.
The forth step is the moral inventory. This step is another one closely affiliated to religion as anyone who has attended a confessional session will testify. The moral inventory leads to the fifth level of the 12 step program in which the individual honestly confesses his wrong-doing to himself, those close to him and to God as well.
The sixth step is ironically similar to step one. The individual surrenders power. Instead of being powerless to the harmful element, he admits himself to be powerless to God. The higher being is entrusted with the responsibility of removing the negative aspects from the individuals character. This passive approach to recovery has been under heavy criticism as well.
The next three levels involve making apologies and trying to compensate for the wrong doings the individual had committed. From there, the tenth level seeks another moral inventory and the eleventh step encourages prayer and sense of oneness with God. The twelfth level of the 12 step program promises a spiritual revelation and encourages the individual to spread the word of his success to others.
Critics of the 12 step program claim that the system is too religious in nature. Others criticize the program because the individual is viewed as helpless instead of pro-active. He does not really take matters into his own hands when he surrenders and leaves everything up to the mercy of an invisible higher power.
Spring Cleaning A Breeze With Clean Sweep Tips
Personal satisfaction. That, said Peter Walsh, organizational guru and host of TLC's popular show "Clean Sweep," is what spring cleaning is all about. It triggers homeowners to revive their home and renew their lives. "Cleaning does not have to be a list of dreaded chores, it can actually be a rewarding experience," added Walsh. "Spring is the perfect time of year to get your home and life organized."
Following a simple checklist and using the right products for each job can be key, according to Walsh. According to cleaning experts, "Today's homes feature surfaces that require special care and protection. From stainless steel to stone countertops, fine wood and leather, each requires a product that will clean and showcase its beauty." Tackling high-traffic rooms, such as the kitchen, can be a breeze following this simple checklist:
• Start Slowly. It takes months for a home to become cluttered so it's not realistic to try to organize everything in one day or even a weekend. Instead, start small-one drawer, one cupboard or one shelf at a time. Make a commitment every day to clean sweep another room until it's done.
• The One-Month Cardboard Box Test. As clutter accumulates over time, the first step to getting clean and organized is to seriously pare down the number of items in each room. Empty the contents of drawers, clean objects under beds and sort through closets. Put everything in a big box. For one month, put back only the items you use. If after four weeks you haven't used it, you probably don't need it.
• Tackle High-Traffic Rooms. The kitchen has become the unofficial gathering place of most homes. From overflowing junk drawers to chaotic cabinets, kitchens are a magnet for mess and clutter. First, make sure your kitchen is clutter-free. Next, focus on appliances and flat surfaces. You can remove burned-on food from your stovetop and make the surface shine by using Weiman Cook Top Cleaner or Weiman Cook Top Quick Wipes. To get rid of irksome fingerprints from stainless appliances and create a streak-free shine, try Weiman Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish or Weiman Stainless Steel Wipes.
• Use the Right Products. Cleaning an entire house means cleaning a lot of different surfaces. From granite countertops in the kitchen to a leather club chair in the family room, it's important to use a product that is specifically formulated to nourish and protect that surface in addition to cleaning it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Shampoo selbstgemacht
Viele Menschen legen ihr Körper im Alltag unter viel Stress, sei es physisch und psychisch, der Körper leidet immer unter den Mangel an Schlaf, unter den Stress des Alltags und der schmutzigen Umgebung, in der er umgeben ist. Die Luft heutzutage ist nicht mehr die reine Bergluft, man merkt schnell, dass der Smoke in einer Innenstadt steigt.
Der Mensch gewöhnt sich immer an schwere oder unangenehme Umstände, schnell vergisst er dass die Luft die er einatmet voller Smok ist, dass er vielleicht viel zu wenig Schlaf hat etc, doch sein Körper gewöhnt sich nicht so leicht an diese Umstände. Langsam aber sicher wird er SOS Rufe ausschreien. Viele werden erste Symptome einer Revolution des Körpers auf der Haut oder auf die Haare sehen. Zu meist wirken Haare matt, strohartig, verfallen, energielos und versplisst.
Was kann man aber bei einem solchen Fall tun? Job kündigen, Stadt verlassen? Nein, wie wäre es auf Natur Kur für Haare! Die Haare werden zwar regelmäßig gewaschen und gepflegt, doch auch hier werden die Haare in Berührung mit chemischen Inhaltsstoffen gesetzt. Die Alternative heißt, Shampoo und Haarprodukte selber machen, und zwar aus natürlichen Zutaten!
Einen Shampoo selbst anzufertigen klingt kompliziert und zeitaufwendig, ist es aber nicht. Shampoo selber machen ist weder kompliziert noch teuer. Bei solch einem Shampoo weiß ist man der Zutaten mindestens gewiss. Zudem kann man die Zutaten eines jeden selbstgemachten Shampoos auf seine individuellen Bedürfnisse abstimmen. Und hier ein paar Shampoo "Rezepte"
Klassischer "Seifenkraut" Shampoo
Für dieses klassische Shampoo braucht man jegliche 100 Gramm Seifenkraut, die man in der Apotheke kaufen kann. Die Seifenkraut dann in 1/2 Liter kochendes Wasser aufkochen lassen, bis etwa die Hälfte der Flüssigkeit verdampft ist. Darauf das Kraut aussieben und die restliche Flüssigkeit in einer Flasche abkühlen lassen. Seifenkraut trägt seinen Namen, weil sich beim Kochen dieser Pflanze ein seifiger Schaum bildet. Dieses Shampoo reinigt auf milde Weise und befreit dennoch gründlich das Haar von Rückständen aus Pflege- oder Styling-Produkten.
Shampoo für trockenes Haar
Bei diesem Shampoo muss man eine halbe Tasse Buttermilch mit einer Tasse Kamillentee und einem Esslöffel Babyshampoo vermischen. Haare damit gründlich waschen und danach sehr gründlich ausspülen. Die Mischung zwischen diese Zutaten verspricht seidenweiche und glänzende Haare.
Shampoo für stumpfes und struppiges Haar
Bei dieser Shampoo Version muss man ein Esslöffel Bier mit einem Eigelb mischen. Wer kein Bier verträgt kann auch gerne Milch als Ersatz nehmen. Beim Waschen der Haare, das Shampoo mindestens fünf Minuten einwirken lassen und danach gründlich ausspülen.
Kur-Spülung für fettiges Haar
Wer eine Extra Portion Natur für seine Haare will, sollte die Kur-Spülung ausprobieren. Für diese Kur-Spülung benötigt man eine Handvoll getrockneter Brennnesseln, die man in einem Viertel Liter Obstessig legt. Man lässt die Brennnesseln eine Viertel Stunde ziehen. Darauf siebt man die Brennnesseln ab und gießt die fertige Spülung nach dem Haare waschen einfach übers Haar. Die Kur nicht ausspülen, sondern ins Haar lassen.
Kur-Spülung für feines Haar
Bei feinem und schlappem Haar sollte man folgende Rezeptur ausprobieren. Ein Viertel Liter kochendem Wasser über eine Handvoll getrockneter Pfirsichblätter übergießen. Die Flüssigkeit sich abkühlen lassen und die Blätter herausfiltern. Die Pfirsich-Spülung nach dem Haare Waschen einfach über die Haare gießen und nicht ausspülen.
Kur-Spülung für strohiges Haar
Wer strohiges Haar hat, sollte ein halbes Liter Wasser mit zwei Esslöffeln und einem Teelöffel Glyzerin Honig verrühren. Auch hier die Kur-Spülung nach dem Haare Waschen einfach über die Haare gießen und nicht ausspülen.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Residential Asbestos Abatement- Reducing The Risk Of Asbestos Diseases
The Firms and Cost Incurred in Asbestos Abatement
Residential asbestos abatement is the process to determine if a material is asbestos containing and to take necessary steps removal of asbestos containing materials from the residential buildings. During residential abatement processes you have to ensure that the material is sampled and analyzed by an analytical laboratory.
Laboratories that are accredited by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) through the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program or which successfully participate in the asbestos bulk-analysis program of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) can only be relied in determining the presence of asbestos.
There are certified asbestos inspectors who collect the bulk samples for determining asbestos content during the residential asbestos abatement process. These are certified asbestos inspectors and can be hired through a consulting firm. These consulting firms are registered in the yellow pages under asbestos or environmental consultants. You can also look for them under the head of residential asbestos abatement.
The asbestos inspections are conducted on a random basis, cost incurred depends on the amount of material being removed, and which method is adapted for the abatement. The residential asbestos abatement can cost from $500 to $2000.
Precautions required to be taken in Residential Asbestos Abatement Process
Any asbestos removal includes the use of engineering controls to reduce the release of fibers in the environment. This is to make sure that the residential asbestos abatement process is safe and do not pose any health hazards. Engineering controls include the use of water during removal, filtered ventilation systems, and plastic barriers for isolating the work area.
Though there are no immediate health symptoms from asbestos exposure, but when getting a residential asbestos abatement program done, you should observe that containment constructed of polythene sheeting is surrounding the component(s) from which asbestos is to be removed. In cases where there is a small quantity of asbestos to be removed, you should use a glove bag.
You are entitled to request for a copy of the contractor’s license, project/program work plan, the original results before the program, air-monitoring results from the analytical laboratory and a copy of the waste manifest for the disposal of the asbestos. The whole procedure of residential asbestos abatement would take a full day or possibly two days for completion.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Practical Housewarming Gifts They’ll Treasure
Housewarming gifts need to be practical yet unique gift ideas. Use some common sense to give a gift that fits the occasion but more importantly the people you are gifting to. Most people have a kitchen. Most people could use a useful kitchen or gourmet item. Be inclined to purchase an elegant glass teapot over that crazy cuckoo clock you were considering.
No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property. ~Charles Dudley Warner
Housewarming traditions date back centuries. It’s possible to believe that people were more neighborly back then. However, good neighbors still exist and they exist, in most cases, because they believe that knowing and welcoming new neighbors is not an outdated idea.
Often neighbors remain behind closed doors and fail to notice or welcome others to the neighborhood. It usually takes just one neighbor to help others see that being neighborly has multiple benefits.
Whenever we move we can feel anxious about a new neighborhood, new city and a new way of life. When others reach out to us it helps us acclimate to these new conditions much more rapidly. They often become trusted friends.
There are many housewarming gift ideas and none of them have to break the bank. A simple kitchen gift is always welcome because it helps fix in the mind of your new neighbor that there is investment in making their new location a home. A cooking gift may well be used on a regular basis and the recipient of the gift may conclude that they are indeed amongst good neighbors.
There are upscale neighborhoods where a more extravagant housewarming gift may be appropriate; however, most gifts should be both functional and beautiful while remaining within your budget.
The hallmark of a housewarming gift is their practicality. While other celebrations may call for an unusually high degree of creativity, housewarming traditions have always erred on the side of common sense.
Housewarming traditions have changed over the years. Where eggs and cherry pie might have been the primary gift in times past, small practical kitchen gifts coupled with a home produced gift will be an appealing combination to new neighbors in the 21st century. This may be why some good neighbors may choose to implement a two pronged approach to housewarming traditions. For instance they might provide a glass oil lamp that provides elegance and an inspired aroma, but they may also provide a secondary gift of home grown produce or home baked goods. It might also be a combination of gourmet oil and vinegar cruet coupled with a potted plant or flower bulbs.
The addition of a kitchen gift is almost assured to leave a favorable impression with new neighbors. Cooking gifts are well received housewarming gifts as well. Because we spend so much time in the kitchen, receiving a gift that either enhances cooking techniques or makes cooking easier remains a memorable token. Your gesture should indicate that you believe your new neighbor is a great addition to the neighborhood and that your hand of friendship remains extended.
Your housewarming gift should communicate a genuine joy in meeting someone new. New neighbors should understand your wish for a quick adjustment and that it is your intent to remain a good neighbor while contributing to the warmth and charm of the newest ‘home’ on the block.
You may have many neighbors over a lifetime or you may have very few. Please remember, sometimes the greatest neighbors are discovered when housewarming traditions are observed and implemented. A new best friend might be waiting - just next door.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Personalizing Your Gifts With Flair
When you give a gift of any nature or for any occasion, you want to make it something that the recipient will really like and keep for many years. While you want to put your own personal stamp on the gift so that whomever you give it to will remember you, you do need to make it personal for the gift recipient. A retirement gift for an employee that has given years of service is usually a bracelet or a watch. That in itself is an expensive gift, but when it is engraved with a personal message or Thank You, it makes the gift all that much more memorable.
Taking the time to search for the perfect gift shows in the gift itself. When you give clothes to a child at Christmas or for a birthday, the parents are happy. However, the child is probably devastated because he/she wants something to play with. Even though teenagers love to get clothing as gifts, you really do need to know that person well to be able to pick out a style that suits the taste and personality. This is why giving a teenager money as a gift is the best choice because it gives the young person a choice in what he/she wants to buy.
Baby showers, wedding showers, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries all offer an opportunity to choose the perfect gift. For many people receiving money in a card says that you couldn't be bothered to take the time to go shopping for a gift. You do have to know the person and take time to reflect on what he/she likes in order to give a gift that will count. Although gift certificates are acceptable, you may be limiting that person to shop at a store that he/she does not like.
Jewellery is always a good choice as are candles, ornaments and electronic gadgets. The price of the gift is not important. It is the thought and the actual gift that count the most.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pacifier Or Not?
Before I had children, I swore my child would never use a pacifier. To me, they were simply signs that a child was just not very well taken care of. You know, Mom doesn’t want to pick the baby up and comfort her, so she just puts a pacifier in her mouth to quiet her. But, I’m older now, and I have three children, so I’m wiser too. There definitely are times when a pacifier is a huge help – not just a crutch for Mom.
As it turns out, some newborns just have a greater urge to suckle than others. If your baby is like this, a pacifier is almost a necessity. For these babies, the suckling they get from nursing or taking a bottle is simply not enough. My daughter was one of these babies, and unless she fell asleep while nursing or taking a bottle, that pacifier was critical to getting her to sleep.
Other children simply don’t need this extra suckling, and, for these children, a pacifier is usually not necessary. Occasionally sucking their thumb or fist is satisfying enough for them. Watch your child in those first few days, and make the decision based on your baby’s behavior. One caution, however; if your baby is nursing, you should avoid the pacifier until your baby’s nursing habits are fully established. A pacifier can cause nipple confusion in babies who are struggling with breastfeeding.
The problem with pacifiers isn’t really the use of the pacifier itself, rather overuse, or use of it long past a normal age. Pacifier use can cause serious dental issues, and should be used only for the required amount of time. Plus, the older your child gets, the harder it will be for you to keep it clean. Also, if your child relies on a pacifier to fall asleep, you will be required to retrieve it for him multiple times during the night, when he is unable to locate it on his own.
If your child uses a pacifier, look for the natural opportunities that will arise for giving it up, and seize them. For example, my daughter caught a bad cold at about six months old, and wouldn’t use the pacifier; because she was so congested she could hardly breathe. As soon as she started to refuse it because of the cold, I put it out of sight. Once her cold was over, she had forgotten about it. My middle son held on to his a little longer, but at about thirteen months, I noticed that just before he fell asleep at night, he would toss the pacifier out of his crib. So, one night, I picked it up off the floor, and put it away. Same ending – he never noticed it was gone.
If your child needs it, a pacifier can be a great comforter, and can make life easier for you, too. Just be sure not to let it go on for too long, or you and the baby can become dependent!
Friday, March 13, 2009
New Study: Cleaning The Tub Is A Pain
People have been complaining about cleaning the bathroom since the advent of indoor plumbing. Now a new study by the University of California San Francisco/Berkeley Ergonomics Program indicates that help is on the way for those who detest bending and stretching to get a clean tub and shower.
According to the study, using a tool with a long handle can make cleaning the tub/shower easier, taking less effort and decreasing stress on shoulders, knees and lower back.
"The widely used sponge and spray cleaner cleaning method tends to place users in several postures that can result in injury to the musculoskeletal system," said study lead ergonomist and physical therapist, Ira Janowitz. "Our research shows that using a cleaning tool with a long handle to do the stretching for you helps relieve musculoskeletal stress."
Following a few easy tips can help you prevent low back pain, says Janowitz.
• Push rather than pull when you have to move a heavy object. Keep your back straight and the object close to your body when moving an object. Always avoid twisting while you are lifting.
• While performing common household chores, use products that are ergonomically designed to reduce awkward bending or stretching, such as the Clorox BathWand. Designed specifically for cleaning the tub and shower, this handy tool has a 23-inch handle and swiveling head that allows you to easily reach large and hard-to-clean areas without straining or kneeling.
• An inactive lifestyle can contribute to lower back pain, so make sure to exercise regularly. Exercise is important for strengthening and conditioning muscles of the torso, or "core" muscles, that support the lower back.
Experts estimate that 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. To keep back pain from interfering with the activities of your daily life, be sure to take the necessary precautions when possible-be it on the job or while doing chores around the house.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Marriage or Divorce — Check Your Social Security Number
Newlyweds and the recently divorced should make sure that names on their tax returns match those registered with the Social Security Administration (SSA). A mismatch between a name on the tax return and a Social Security number (SSN) could unexpectedly increase a tax bill or reduce the size of any refund.
For newlyweds, the tax scenario can begin when the bride says "I do" and takes her husband's surname, but doesn't tell the SSA about the name change. If the couple files a joint tax return with her new name, the IRS computers will not be able to match the new name with the SSN. This could result in tax assessments or even an audit since the IRS may be under the impression that you are simply evading taxes.
Similarly, after a divorce, a woman who had taken her husband’s name and had made that change known to the SSA should contact the SSA if she reassumes a previous name. Failure to take this action can lead to audits. Can you imagine going through an audit with your former spouse?
It's easy to inform the SSA of a name change by filing Form SS-5 at a local SSA office. It usually takes two weeks to have the change verified. The form is available on the agency's Web site,, by calling toll free 1-800-772-1213 and at local offices. The SSA Web site provides the addresses of local offices.
Make Grandma's Day - Kids Gift Suggestions For Grandparents Day
Gifts for Grandparents Day don’t have to be complex. In fact, of all the holidays that children participate in, Grandparents Day is one of the simplest for which to create a gift. The first thing to remember is that, for a grandparent, spending money is not always the best option.
Grandparents love gifts from the heart. This often means crafts or gifts created without spending any money. For example, rather than buying a bouquet of flowers to hand to Grandma, a handpicked bunch of wildflowers would be more appreciated from her young grandson or granddaughter. And in place of a store-bought greeting card, a hand drawn and written card would be more expressive of the youth’s true feelings toward his or her grandparents.
If your child is old enough to read, help them to find a simple, short book or story that involves children with their grandparents, and have them read it to their grandparents. Or, if they are a little older, perhaps they could even write a poem for their grandparents. All of these ideas cost nothing and yet mean the world to your child’s eldest relatives.
If your child is too young to get involved in such projects, give them simple tasks. Have them color a picture and give it to Grandpa, or let them glue macaroni to construction paper and create a picture for their grandparents. Even something as simple as writing names when the child has learned to spell can be impressive as a gift to doting grandparents on Grandparents Day.
This is one reason that grandparents are so special and deserve to be celebrated. They are always excited by the smallest of accomplishments by their grandchildren. It is almost as though they see it as a job to make a “mountain out of a mole hill” in regards to the slightest advancement in their grandchildren’s intelligence or abilities.
So, whether a simple stick-figure picture or a complex collage depicting what the child thinks or feels about his or her grandparents, any gift is bound to be seen as special by Grandma or Grandpa on Grandparents Day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Lemon Oil - Not Just for Furniture
I have had a successful cleaning business for nigh onto twenty five years. As a result I have learned many secrets. As I get closer to retiring from my business, I plan to reveal some of those secrets. One such trade secret is the many ways Lemon Oil furniture polish can be useful.
First and foremost Lemon Oil on furniture does an excellent job of nourishing & protecting your low luster furniture. The oil leaves a beautiful shine, and prevents fine wood finishes from drying out. Lemon oil replaces lost moisture in older wood surfaces and penetrates worn finishes.
Wood furniture should be polished at annually and lemon oil is a my product of choice. Be sure to pick a brand of lemon oil that polishes without the use of waxes, silicones, or harmful solvents. An added feature of the popular brands is that of a sunscreen to keep your furniture from fading. When polishing with lemon oil, I recommend putting a small amount on a soft, non-abrasive cloth (old t-shirts make great dust cloths) and applying onto the wood surface. I do not recommend using lemon oil on high gloss veneers.
On heavily soiled surfaces such as painted wood, plastic-laminated surfaces, fiberglass shower stalls and glass shower doors spray a small amount of lemon oil on the surface before spraying with the all purpose cleaner of choice. The lemon oil penetrates deeper and loosens the dirt. The combination of oil with your cleaner will result in a cleaner surface in half the time.
After cleaning shower stalls and doors, rinse well in order to get rid of excess oil. Dry surface and wipe with a cloth that has been treated with a very small amount of lemon oil to prevent hard water stain build-up. The thing to remember is to use a very small amount and not to use it on the tub or shower floors or you will make it slippery.
When cleaning offices which have many large leather chairs I would simply wipe the arms and top of chairs lightly with a treated cloth and it would wipe the dust and leave a nice protective shine. The office chairs get a lot of wear, especially on the arms and just a light rub with the oil helped to preserve the leather and prevent splitting. I once cleaned a chiropractor’s office and there were many leather tables. Some of them were starting to split and wiping them with a lemon oil treated cloth retarded the splitting..
When cleaning house, lemon oil was invaluable. My oil treated cloth would quickly wipe away the beginning signs of tarnish on silver and brass knickknacks. This served to extend the length of time between thorough cleanings. The face of the microwaves which would get so greasy from fingerprints would wipe to a clean and brilliant shine with my magical lemon oiled cloth.
Stainless steel is another troublesome surface to clean. It gets smudged and smears easily. There are several good products made specifically to clean stainless. However, you will find that these cleaners are all oil based products. Cleaning professionally, economy was a factor to consider. Also I had to consider how many products I could fit in my kit. Therefore the fewer products that would give the same results the better. I found that a cloth treated with lemon oil did wonders for wiping out smears and smudges on stainless steel leaving a spot free shine. Even marble surfaces can be brought to a smudge free brilliant shine with lemon oil.
One more use I want to mention is the cleaning of scuff marks on floors. On wood floors use a very minimal amount on a soft cloth or sponge and rub ever so gently to remove stubborn scuff marks. On other floors you can use a little more and rub a little harder. The oil lifts the scuff marks like magic and then mop as usual.
When I first starting selling on ebay, I would come across some very old musty items that had been stored in basements and attics.. Spraying a cloth with a small amount of lemon oil and wiping the items would clean the items and aid in removing water stains. This worked well on old vinyl and leather items, although the color would darken a bit. I would suggest that you always test an inconspicuous area first. An added benefit to cleaning these items with lemon oil was the pleasant citrus fragrant that lingered. In extreme mildew, a hint of the mildew odor remained. However, in most cases there was always a definite improvement.
I could also salvage many hard covered books by wipe the outside with a cloth that had been pre-treated in lemon oil. It would help to remove any water stains. Of course you would not attempt to wipe the pages. If the book had any old labels, like book store stickers that had been partially worn away the lemon would dissolve the glue and remaining label. The oil did darken the color of the book cover a little. Again the key factor is to use just a little and not to put the oil on the book but on the cloth.
The important thing to remember when using the lemon oil is ‘less is best’. I always treated a cloth with the oil and kept it in a plastic baggie. It would be enough to last through the whole days worth of cleaning, sometimes longer. Today you can purchase lemon oil in premoistened wipes if that is your preference. I would be careful using such wipes on surfaces like leather or shower stalls as there may be too much oil in the wipes. I still prefer treating my own clothes. Whichever you use, lemon oil has many uses in cleaning professionally or for your own personal use.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
John Reese's Top Traffic Secrets
Track all sources of traffic generation.
John Reese stresses the need to track where all traffic comes from and at what cost. It is crucial to know exactly how many sales, newsletter sign-ups, or other leads your particular marketing campaigns generating. This enables you to work smarter and not harder. By tracking all traffic to your site you can make twice as much while working fifty percent less.
Content is King
On the internet, people are searching for one thing....... Content! Load your website with as much content as possible. Then, continuously add content. Search engines love information and they will love your site if you've got lots of it. There's plenty of free content for the taking on the internet. You can load up your site with articles from article directories like Or, you could be like John and use content from the public domain. Or, you can use content that is in the creative commons. This type is now easier than ever to find now that Yahoo and others have come out with a search engine designed specifically for content that is in the creative commons.
An affiliate program is critical to maximum traffic and sales. Lots of internet marketers don't take advantage of this powerful traffic-generating technique. An affiliate program allows you to have your own personal salesman spread all over the web. The best part about it is that there is absolutely no risk involved but tons of traffic and sales to gain. Your website simply cannot grow to its full potential without an effective affiliate program.
Banner Ads
John Reese advocates the use of banner ads during a time when they are largely an untapped marketing source. Banner ads are one of the most overlooked sources of targeted traffic online.
Also, banner ads are now one of the cheapest sources of targeted traffic. In the late 1990's during the dot-com boom, people were selling banner ads for $40 and $50 CPM. Then the dot-com bubble hit and these rates hit the floor. You can now buy banner ads dirt cheap, at $1 to $1.50 CPM. This is $1 for 1,000 banner impressions. The key here is to find the perfect place to advertise that will send targeted, willing to buy customers to your site.
Create viral reports that can quickly spread around the internet. This method works best when you have an affiliate program. Allow others to brand your report in order to encourage its distribution.
A quality free report can be a powerful promoter when passed around the internet. This same phenomenon can occur when you submit your articles to article directories and popular newsletters.
Take advantage of your virtual real estate.
Take advantage of the different parts of your website. Don't let any of your web pages go to waste. You can do this by adding a link to another one of your web sites or pages on your thank-you or sales confirmation pages. If you have articles on your site, place links to related articles on the bottom of the page. The longer you keep a visitor at your web site, the more valuable they become.
It is very important to funnel traffic from within the multiple sites you may have.
Continually seek out other web sites to link to you. Now, we're not just talking about any kind of link here, but powerful, traffic-generating links from respected sites. Here are some quick suggestions:
Send a related web site an article that you have written and allow them to display it on their website with a resource box at the end. Offer to exchange articles and tell them about the benefits of doing so.
Allow multiple, related web sites to distribute your free e-book or report. All web masters are looking to add value to their web site, why not make it easy for them.
There are unlimited possibilities, be creative!
Online group participation can produce a no-cost stream of traffic and sales.
Get involved in email discussion lists, online groups and forums that are related to your target market. Becoming involved in discussions makes you very credible. Traffic from forums can produce a much higher sales conversion rate.
This method can produce quite a bit of sales for you just by helping others out. Not to mention, you'll learn a lot along the way.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to Win at Multiplayer First Shooter Games
The way most first player shooters score kills is simple to understand the harder it is to make the kill the more points you get. This means that if you kill someone with a knife you will get more points then someone using a chain gun, but running around with just your knife out is a big gamble unless you are extremely skilled at the game. This method of play will usually just make you the biggest loser.
One way to get a good score is to take a long range weapon like a sniper rifle and camp out near the enemy camps spawn point. By doing this every time someone on the opposing team gets killed they will instantly revert back to the spawn point and you can shoot them, then they will disappear and then reappear and you can shoot them again.
You get fewer points like this, but it is the same principal as playing roulette in the casinos, it is easier to get many smaller wins, rather then one big win.
When using this method try to pick your location using your head and do not just take a gamble on your sniping spot. You will want to have the advantage of height, but sometimes if you can get a good shot and be in a lower location it may be the last place someone looks for you. Many of the newer first player games allow the sun to be used as it would in real life. So going up a hill and having the sun at your back will give you a natural advantage in the game, and allow you to snipe from the same spot for a longer time before someone finds and kills you.
Another way to get a higher score is to work as a team with other players. Most people playing a First Player Shooter are playing alone with the goal of running around and killing everything that moves, but if you and some friends are playing you can use each other as in real combat. Now that you have other people watching your back as a unit you can be a more effective killer in the game, an example of this is that in some of the delta force games you can take a helicopter and if your friend is flying it you and another friend can man the chain guns and you can cover a bigger area, and deciding on a plan before starting the game you can develop a good strategy as a professional gambler or Online Poker player would allowing you to focus on 1 thing instead of many different aspects of the game.
Many times I would jump into the pilots chair and other players would jump in and I would circle the enemy camp but the players in the back of my chopper would not attack instead they would jump out or just wait for me to land instead of helping me attack from the air. So instead of increasing our chances of winning by working together they just wanted to be a team of 1. This will decrease the chances of our team winning the game, just like a player at a blackjack table can make all the other players lose by making bad decisions when it is that players turn.
Formulating a good strategy, playing as a team and using all available tools at your disposal you can not only win more games and get more points, you will also have a better online gaming experience, and this applies to playing first person shooter games and gambling in online casinos.
Friday, March 6, 2009
How Evil Gains Entry
With fierce crime on an increase, eager For Sale By Owners, are often slack in their judgment of just how dangerous such a thrift venture is. Husbands become homicides, wives are ravaged, families forever devastated, all because invincible men are anxious to sell homes themselves to people who-they only want to believe–are qualified buyers.
What would For Sale By Owners do if they knew they were really buying trouble?
As a retired real estate broker, I feel qualified to shed some light on this, all too often, evaded area of concern. Most agents are reluctant to tell people just how dangerous it is to open their door to strangers. Understandably, people who must sell homes would, if they can avoid it, rather not pay sales commission fees. Of course, it is absolutely within a consensual couple’s rights to sell their home themselves.
But all too often, the man saying, "We can sell it ourselves, Honey," pops a FOR SALE BY OWNER sign in the yard, and goes off to work. His complacent companion places an ad in the local newspaper, fields the phone, and sets appointments for supposedly "Interested buyers" to come see their home. The danger is cloaked in ignorance.
I've had women, former clients, tell me they had prayed that no one would call, and after peeking out the curtains, then refused to answer the door. In their efforts to be professional, most agents do not wish to alarm or alienate sellers who might list with them later. I am retired and have no such vested interest.
Even Realtors® recognize they are placing themselves at risk when showing houses. Every year, many are abducted, robbed, murdered, or raped in this country. NAR®, the National Association of Realtors, cautions agents to be vigilant, wary with whom they work. Often well-informed agents will no longer do “Open Houses” because it is simply too hazardous. The commission reward of marketing a home in this manner is disproportional to the risk.
Evil is denied entry when we bar the door.
at risk,
bar the door,
buying trouble,
denied entry,
Evil entry,
For Sale By Owners,
National Association of Realtors,
Open Houses,
Hotels: How to Get Free Gifts
Hotels: How to Get Free Gifts
Word Count:
How to receive complimentary items by passing yourself off as a high roller at the different hotels in Las Vegas.
Article Body:
Planning to visit Las Vegas or any other vacational resort where casinos are a major portion of their business? I have just the thing for you. Here, I will show you how to pass off as a High Roller and collect many complimentary items and gifts.
What is the Secret?
The Secret is that you have to make them believe you are rich and love gambling. In short you have to impersonate a High Roller.
Hotels love high rollers because these players leave behind thousands of dollars each visit. And the real cool part about this is that if you act the role, casinos will lavish you with the same gifts and complimentary items that a real High Roller would receive.
How ?
It is not that difficult to fool the hotel and resorts with some finesse and true self-confidence. It can be done.
1) The Way you Dress:
Elegant and smart is the way to go. Opt out of the baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. Try and wear a suit or at least a regular buttoned shirt with an elegant dark jacket. It was Shakespeare who said that the clothes maketh a man, and so too, when going to a hotel resort. They judge you according to how you dress, so dress according to the role.
2) A Large Pad of Notes:
Yes. Just like in the movies. Carry a large bundle of notes with you and keep them in plain sight. You do not have to really take with you that much. Instead, take a few notes and place them at the top and at the bottom of real note-size paper cuttings. Just remember to never expose this while you are in the casino. Use other notes you’re your wallet instead. But do it nonchalantly so that none of the casino personnel will notice.
3) Always Flash Your Notes Around: No matter where you go, whether its to the hotel restaurant for lunch or for to the bar. They will be watching. From time to time, use that money to play at a range of table games or video game and bet some of that money. Remember you must use some of your money to play but just do not use all of it.
4) Play Complicated Games:
This is one of the more problematic things to do and requires some training at home. Learn on your own how to lay and how to bet on the high rolling games such as roulette, baccarat and craps. You could also play poker or Texas holdem in one of the larger ante tables, but in any case stick to your plan and you will soon reap the flowers.
Above, I have outlined some of the more practical methods by which one can save money by receiving gifts from the casino. These gifts range from casino comps (free money to play), room deals that can get nearly free and many others such as free drinks, clothes, coupon to stores in Las Vegas and many more. Note that what you are doing here is completely legal provided you don't take up a false name or falsify your passport card.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Herpes and Pregnancy
As any pregnant woman knows, protecting your baby is top priority. For women infected with the herpes virus, this becomes even more of a concern. While the chances of a woman with herpes passing the virus onto her baby are slim, there is still a possibility that the child could become infected with herpes at the time of birth. Talking openly with your doctor and educating yourself on herpes and pregnancy and how it can affect your pregnancy and baby are your best tools to protect yourself and your child. Following are some questions that you may have if you are experiencing herpes and pregnancy.
Can my baby get herpes from me?
Yes. While neonatal herpes occurs very rarely, with herpes and pregnancy, there is a small chance (less than one percent) that your baby will contract the virus from you at the time of birth. In 90 percent of the cases, herpes is passed from mother to baby via an outbreak in the birth canal. In some instances, the virus can be spread even if there are no herpes sores because herpes can be passed asymptomatically, meaning that it has reactivated but there are no symptoms (sores) to indicate it.
I was just recently diagnosed with herpes. Is my baby at less risk?
No. Actually, pregnant women who were just recently diagnosed with the virus before becoming pregnant or during pregnancy pose slightly more of a risk for passing the herpes on to their baby. This is because a woman who hasn't had the disease for a longer period of time has not had as much of a chance to build antibodies to the virus that can be passed on to her unborn child. However, the risk of transmitting herpes is only slightly increased in newly diagnosed women, and women that get the disease during the first and second trimesters should still be able to provide enough antibodies to their babies.
Can I still have my baby naturally?
Yes. With herpes and pregnancy, unless you are having an outbreak with active lesions, most doctors and obstetricians will recommend a vaginal birth as the risks associated with a Caesarean section far outweigh the risk of your baby becoming infected with herpes. Because of the antibodies you have passed to your baby during the pregnancy, your child will be protected against the virus and there is only a minimal chance (less than one percent) of the disease being passed on.
What if I get an outbreak right before I deliver?
The most important thing you can do if you notice an outbreak before delivery is to tell your doctor. Where herpes and pregnancy are concerned, it’s always best to be honest and let your OB know as soon as possible that you have active lesions. This is the best thing you can do to protect your baby because your doctor can then determine which is the safest route to take for delivery.
How can I protect my baby from getting herpes?
When trying to control herpes and pregnancy, the best way to protect your baby is to educate yourself on the virus, take precautionary and preventative measures to lessen your chance of having an outbreak, and discuss your condition frankly with your doctor.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Good Things To Know About Luxury Bedding
For many years, the only places where one could find good quality bedding were hotel rooms, as ordinary people could or would not afford to invest a huge amount of money in sheets. The beds in hotels remained a wonderful experience that they remembered for a long time. But these years are far gone now, as luxury bedding have come to our houses and ito our beds. What may this mean, you must be all wondering. Well, even if hotel bedding is not suitable for back home, there is a way to invite that luxury feeling, at a smaller scale, in your everyday life.
The best quality sheets are not bound to be made of silk, but most importantly they have to be easily cleaned and cared for at home. This is a thing one can find out by using a little trick: asking the staff working in a hotel on advice on how to keep bedding in perfect shape, even after many washings. This is a thing they surely know, as hotel owners an managers may not be willing to give away the luxury bedding they have purchased at prices of several thousands of dollars after only a few washes. It would not be a good policy for a hotel’s management plan.
Of course, if you have this kind of money available, you should try the most expensive and luxury bedding in the store. But there is a risk that must be taken into account: the silk or velvet sheets may not be suitable to your lifestyle and to your needs or wishes, especially when it comes to comfort. Because every single person wants to have the chance of getting good sleep, you should be very careful with what you are buying, or , better said, with what vendors advise you to buy, as you may fall in the trap of purchasing sheets that are long out of trend. Keep track of the changes in styles, but also in the matters of fabric quality or manufacturing practicies, as high prices do not state god quality anymore.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Going on a Picnic? Pack a Comfortable Seat.
Going out with you family for a picnic trip can be a very soothing activity and the perfect opportunity to spend some more quality family time in a healthy country environment.
If you are planning taking your family out, you need to think about keeping them as comfortable as possible, in order to fully enjoy the experience. To do so you need not only delicious food, a good table and a jolly picnic table, but you might want to add some extra comfort by using good picnic chairs. Sitting on the floor eating a great picnic meal under a tree is great, but if you want to add extra comfort to your trip, picnic chairs are the right way to go.
Obtaining good picnic chairs is an asset not only to your family’s outdoor picnic activities but also to your garden and exterior space’s decoration. They are traditionally used for picnics, camping trips, fishing and several other outdoor activities but, if you invest in stylish good quality picnic chairs they will certainly add to the comfort and character of your outdoor setting.
Most picnic chairs are specifically fabricated in order to be light-weighted, durable and easy to carry and that is why most picnic chairs are made using specific techniques that make them easily foldable.
Picnic chairs are easy to find; they tend to be widely available on the market and on specialty outdoor activity stores; they come in all kinds of materials, colors and styles.
Such styles can go from simulate and antique weathered appearance, exquisite high class picnic chairs to unique pieces of outdoor furniture with classical appeal to help combining modern styling with character and comfort.
The variety of available materials is impressive and you can easily obtain picnic chairs made from all types of durable plastic fabric to a wide selection of aluminum based pieces or even picnic chairs with sturdy steel frames. They tend to be made of durable and resistant materials.
Most of the times picnic chairs are meant to be portable and durable, but them also need to be comfortable. When you go out on a picnic you want to spend quality time and what use does a chair have if you cannot sit there comfortably?
When buying picnic chairs always keep in mind the need for portability but also comfort as you will find many uncomfortable models in the market.
From super sized chairs for extra sitting space to children’s sized small picnic chairs, they came in all sizes to accommodate your family members. In specialty stores you can find very functional picnic chairs with special compartments, drink supports and even picnic chairs with mini tables attached – those are very handy if you do not wish to carry a table with you, they can serve both as picnic chairs and tables.An obvious option for extra comfort and extra pleasure, picnic chairs will take care of your family’s sting needs in all kinds of outdoor events.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Every Family Needs A Budget
There is not one family in the world that could not benefit from a budget. A lot of people feel that a budget is a waste of their time because they have enough money to go around. Even though this may be true, there are still many advantages that go along with keeping a strict budget. It is not very difficult to do if you are aware of what you are trying to accomplish, and how much money you have to work with.
Regardless of how much money you have, you can still set a budget. The only difference is that wealthy people will have a higher budget than those who are trying to watch their money. The number one advantage of going on a budget is that you will know exactly where all of your money is going. This is often times one of the biggest problems for people. They have money to spend, but are not exactly sure where it goes every month. To aid this problem, all you need to do is allot a certain amount of cash each month to every activity or bill that you have. This means that if you like to eat out a lot, you will need to set a budget that allots a certain amount of money to this activity. This way you will not end up spending more money than you want or have.
Going on a budget is also a great way to save money. If you are looking to save for retirement, a new car, or a new home, going on a budget is a great way to save money so that you can reach your goal. All you need to do is determine how much money you need, and how much you can save each month by going on a budget. This will then determine how long it will take you to reach your savings goal.
A budget is something that should be taken very seriously. Many people start a budget just to break it the next month. They usually do this because they find something that they “cannot live without.” If you are going to go on a budget you need to have a lot of self control and discipline. Even though it may be difficult at first, if you learn how to live by the rules of your budget you should have no problems at all in the long run.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Entertainment Center Furniture
The entertainment center furniture is an important part of any living room furniture. They not only serve the purpose of furniture’s but also provide space for keeping the electronic equipments. They are available in all types of colors, styles and designs from the oak, maple, antique, cheery or usual styles to the modern ones. Hence a person should choose the right ones that go with the theme and the other furniture at his home. Along with the design and colors, the craftsmanship of the furniture is important. Excellent quality craftsmanship ensures longer lifespan for the furniture. Also while buying the entertainment center furniture, be sure to check the quality of the wood used as some manufacturers often keep bad furniture’s along with the good ones under the same roof and try selling them to the customer’s. Thus a bit of research on the internet always helps in choosing the right piece of furniture for your home.
While purchasing the entertainment center furniture, firstly the cabinets has to be decided. Even though the television entertainment cabinets are relatively new in the market, there is a great demand for them and a wide range of them can be found in the market. They come in various range of sizes and depths and are designed to protect, support and fashionably exhibit the electronic equipments. TV cabinet holds the place of the primary cabinet in any home entertainment center furniture. The size of the cabinet will vary depending on the size of the TV. The associated cabinets used for equipments such as CD/DVD player and PC are relatively smaller. Also the cabinets are available with glass or wooden doors. Some cabinets available in the market also have remote control functionality to operate the cabinet door. These cabinets can also be used to store books and other accessories. The design of the cabinet must also be carefully chosen keeping in mind the latest technology and trends. The cabinets must have the outlet for the heat produced from the electronic equipments to defuse out without ruining the circuit boards or the microchips within the electronic equipments.
While deciding upon the entertainment center furniture, the furnishing and the decoration of the rest of the available space has to be kept in mind. This makes sure that the newly bought furniture’s perfectly matches with its surrounding instead of being an alien. The measurement of the available space in the room is also essential to ensure that you don’t end up buying furniture’s that doesn’t fit in the room. Hence if you are going for the custom made entertainment center furniture, get the cabinet or the professional designer to come up to your place to take the accurate measurements.
Lastly while considering on the entertainment center furniture, the equipment storage space should be such designed that the wiring in the electronic equipment doesn’t show.
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