Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What You Need To Know Before You Weld
Welding How To: What You Need to Know Before You Weld
People rely on welding to accomplish many tasks. In fact, the art of welding dates back thousands of years to the Bronze Age. Since then, man has discovered many advancements and improvements that make welding easier, safer and more vital to civilization than ever before. Welding is used:
1. To manufacture cars, trucks and other modes of transportation.
2. To build homes.
3. To build and repair machinery and equipment.
4. It’s even been used by artists to create beautiful metal sculptures.
Inside or outside, on land or underwater - even in outer space - welding is vital to all areas of our life. It’s no wonder, then, that more and more people want to learn how to weld.
If you’d like to learn how to arc weld, we’d like to help. Below, you’ll find important information and resources you need before you can start welding: what equipment you’ll need, along with some free online resources that will provide step-by-step, practical welding how-to advice.
Basic Arc Welding Equipment
If you want to learn how to AC (alternating current) arc weld, at some point this will require some hands on training, and hands on training will require tools. When you’re ready to start practicing, here’s what you’ll need (you should be able to find all of these items at your local farm store or home improvement warehouse):
• A 230 volt AC power source (also known as a “buzz box”)
• A welder’s helmet with additional goggles underneath to protect your eyes when your face plate is raised
• Gauntlet style gloves
• A heavy leather or other natural fiber jacket and cap
• Thick rubber soled boots
• Heavy duty denim jeans
• E6011 and/or E6013 all-purpose mild-steel electrodes – Get a few pounds each of both 1/8” and 5/32” diameter rods to use with metals of 1/8” thickness or more.
• A pile of flat steel scraps in various thicknesses (though ideally you want 1/8” to 3/8”.) You can find scraps at your local metal supply for around five cents a pound. Then, when you’re finished, you can sell it back as salvages for about three cents a pound.
Once you’ve gathered these materials, you’re ready to start AC arc welding. If your finances or schedule prevent you from signing up for classes at your local college or technical school, we’ve gathered together a few free online resources to help your get started.
Learn How to AC Weld Online – For Free!
Here are a handful of free how-to weld resources available on the World Wide Web.
With a little equipment and training and a whole lot of practice, you can be well on your way to mastering the basics of AC arc welding. Whether you need to learn this art for work or simply for around the house, you’ll soon be prepared to tackle all of the welding jobs that come your way!
A Buyers' Guide To Laminators And Laminate
Lamination is simply the process of enveloping a document between two layers of plastic film and sealing its edges in order to provide a level of protection against outside influences that may cause damage. Photos, posters, letters, certificates and cards are all examples of documents that commonly utilize such a technique, and the items can either be produced professionally or with special laminating products that are used in the home.
Of the different types of laminators that are available, those which use the process of thermal (or heat) lamination are actually layers of film which are constructed of a polyester base and resin. During the heating process, the resin layer melts and is then spread across the surface of the print through the means of pressure. Once spread, the adhesive begins to cool, hardening as it goes, in order to form a permanent bond between the film and the print.
There are several types of laminating machines, each using different kinds of laminators. The easiest of these will allow you to feed the document into a laminating machine, where it comes into contact with the adhesive, which are then pressed together by rollers or - in some cases - an oversized plate.
Using the Proper Laminator
+ Depending upon the material of the print to be protected, certain laminators must be used in order to complete the job correctly. That being the case, it's important to match the correct type of laminator with the particular material that's being used. In other words, prints of paper, wood or fabric are going to require different types of laminators.
+ Due to the steps that are necessary to successfully laminate a print, it's important to know the size of the document. Since lamination pouches are used during part of the process, you'll need to ensure that these are a proper fit before the technique can be successfully completed.
+ The frequency in which you use the lamination machine and the size of the jobs should be considered, as well. If you plan to use it on a daily basis, or for large lamination jobs, then it's best to invest in a heavy duty laminating machine. For particularly large jobs, you might be better off obtaining an industrial machine.
+ Thickness is an important consideration, as well, since prints that are of a thicker nature will need to utilize a spring-loaded roller in order to be fed through the machine properly. The advantage to this type of tool is that it will automatically adjust to the thickness of the material that's being introduced.
+ Machines that are equipped with a stand-by mode and a readiness indicator are best for those times when you're planning to use them throughout the day, such as in an office environment.
Hot Lamination
Different jobs will require specific types of laminators - either hot or cold - depending upon the material and desired effect.
+ For documents that are up to 20" in width, pouch laminators are used. Photographs, ID tags and other jobs that are of similar size would do best using this approach.
+ You'll need to use a roll laminator if you're planning to process prints that are between 20" and 60" wide and 1" in thickness.
+ Dry mounting is the most expensive of the three types, and is performed by using a tissue adhesive as well as precise heat and pressure regulations, in addition to the necessary time that it takes to apply a substrate to the product. Specialized machinery needs to be used in order to perform this technique, and is often used in professional print shops.
Cold Lamination
Tape lamination uses a cold version of adhering a protective plastic film to the print. By inserting a pre-wound, rolled cartridge of laminated film into the machine and introducing the document, both the adhesives and the print are pulled into the machine with two rollers after pushing a button or using a hand crank. These types are often used in the home environment, office, photo-finishing labs and sign shops.
Various Types of Finishes
There are five basic finishes that can be applied to a laminated product. Depending upon the type of effect that you wish to produce will determine the best finish for the job.
+ Standard Clear - produces a glossy finish
+ Satin - reduces glare without frosting
+ Matte - applies a slightly frosted finish
+ Crystal - produces a granular texture
+ Scratch Resistant - hard finish for extra protection
With the right tools, you can produce a variety of high quality products that are suitable for framing, posting or inserting into a binding that houses keepsakes. Laminated documents are also more professionally protected when prepared for packaging, in the event that documents must be transported through mailing or shipping services.
Of the different types of laminators that are available, those which use the process of thermal (or heat) lamination are actually layers of film which are constructed of a polyester base and resin. During the heating process, the resin layer melts and is then spread across the surface of the print through the means of pressure. Once spread, the adhesive begins to cool, hardening as it goes, in order to form a permanent bond between the film and the print.
There are several types of laminating machines, each using different kinds of laminators. The easiest of these will allow you to feed the document into a laminating machine, where it comes into contact with the adhesive, which are then pressed together by rollers or - in some cases - an oversized plate.
Using the Proper Laminator
+ Depending upon the material of the print to be protected, certain laminators must be used in order to complete the job correctly. That being the case, it's important to match the correct type of laminator with the particular material that's being used. In other words, prints of paper, wood or fabric are going to require different types of laminators.
+ Due to the steps that are necessary to successfully laminate a print, it's important to know the size of the document. Since lamination pouches are used during part of the process, you'll need to ensure that these are a proper fit before the technique can be successfully completed.
+ The frequency in which you use the lamination machine and the size of the jobs should be considered, as well. If you plan to use it on a daily basis, or for large lamination jobs, then it's best to invest in a heavy duty laminating machine. For particularly large jobs, you might be better off obtaining an industrial machine.
+ Thickness is an important consideration, as well, since prints that are of a thicker nature will need to utilize a spring-loaded roller in order to be fed through the machine properly. The advantage to this type of tool is that it will automatically adjust to the thickness of the material that's being introduced.
+ Machines that are equipped with a stand-by mode and a readiness indicator are best for those times when you're planning to use them throughout the day, such as in an office environment.
Hot Lamination
Different jobs will require specific types of laminators - either hot or cold - depending upon the material and desired effect.
+ For documents that are up to 20" in width, pouch laminators are used. Photographs, ID tags and other jobs that are of similar size would do best using this approach.
+ You'll need to use a roll laminator if you're planning to process prints that are between 20" and 60" wide and 1" in thickness.
+ Dry mounting is the most expensive of the three types, and is performed by using a tissue adhesive as well as precise heat and pressure regulations, in addition to the necessary time that it takes to apply a substrate to the product. Specialized machinery needs to be used in order to perform this technique, and is often used in professional print shops.
Cold Lamination
Tape lamination uses a cold version of adhering a protective plastic film to the print. By inserting a pre-wound, rolled cartridge of laminated film into the machine and introducing the document, both the adhesives and the print are pulled into the machine with two rollers after pushing a button or using a hand crank. These types are often used in the home environment, office, photo-finishing labs and sign shops.
Various Types of Finishes
There are five basic finishes that can be applied to a laminated product. Depending upon the type of effect that you wish to produce will determine the best finish for the job.
+ Standard Clear - produces a glossy finish
+ Satin - reduces glare without frosting
+ Matte - applies a slightly frosted finish
+ Crystal - produces a granular texture
+ Scratch Resistant - hard finish for extra protection
With the right tools, you can produce a variety of high quality products that are suitable for framing, posting or inserting into a binding that houses keepsakes. Laminated documents are also more professionally protected when prepared for packaging, in the event that documents must be transported through mailing or shipping services.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tips For Planning A Fun And Successful Family Reunion
Planning a reunion can be a major undertaking, but with the help of a local convention and visitors bureau, it can be made easy. For example, the Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau in Southeastern Pennsylvania provides free assistance with booking hotels and banquet facilities, tour buses and even planning tours. Reunion planners can get competitive bids and work closely with a service representative to make the best choices for their group. This can save hours on the phone, and give planners ideas for adding special excitement to their reunion.
"We can help a group plan customized tours around its special interests," said Paul Decker, president of the Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau. "Our area has an abundance of gardens, history and recreation, and we've developed itineraries for groups interested in spending a day or two of their reunion touring the area."
Newest among the itineraries are the "Quest for Freedom" African-American heritage tours that highlight dramatic stories of African-American soldiers, slaves and abolitionists from the Revolution through the Civil War.
"The history of African Americans is an integral part of our nation's history and the stories are present at many of our historic sites, from Valley Forge National Historical Park to Brandywine Battlefield and beyond. This initiative brings those stories to the foreground and affords them the attention they deserve."
Depending on their budget, groups may choose to have a costumed step-on guide; a special program at Washington's Headquarters in Valley Forge; or a craft or cooking demonstration at an historic site.
The bureau's membership of more than 500 hotels, restaurants, attractions, shopping venues and service providers makes it possible for event planners to enjoy the convenience of one-stop shopping when customizing a reunion. The free planning service includes access to picnic sites, florists, entertainers, photographers and more.
Decker said another key to success is to keep your family members informed, to maintain interest while the reunion is being planned. The Bureau can help here too, providing photographs, visitors guides and other publications so family members can become familiar with the area, in advance or on arrival.
Valley Forge is 18 miles from historic Philadelphia; midway between New York City and Washington, D.C. and easily accessible by Amtrak or Philadelphia International Airport.
Tips for a Cleaner, Healthier Home
How clean is clean? Understanding the difference between a home that looks clean and a home that is properly disinfected is especially important. A room may appear immaculate, but millions of germs and bacteria are lurking where you least expect them.
To protect your family from illness, you must disinfect all areas to destroy germs and prevent them from spreading. Your kitchen sink and counters should be cleaned with antibacterial solutions after each use. Bacteria left from meats and vegetables can get on your hands, utensils or other foods.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some viruses and bacteria can live two hours or longer on surfaces like telephones, doorknobs and tables. Cleaning and disinfecting these "hot spots" regularly is key to keeping a healthy home.
Poor indoor air quality also is to blame for a variety of health effects. Americans spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors, where air pollution levels can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels.
"Homeowners often complain about poor indoor air quality leading to headaches, dry eyes and fatigue, as well as asthma and allergy attacks," said home improvement expert Lou Manfredini.
But you can breathe easier by following these strategies for reducing air pollution in your home:
* Control the source. Reduce or remove as many asthma or allergy triggers from your home as possible. Keep pets outside whenever possible; wash all bedding weekly in hot water; and don't allow anyone to smoke indoors.
* Invest in an air purifier.
"You will notice a significant change in your breathing and overall well-being, and recognize the worth of this investment immediately," said Manfredini.
* Check and replace. Maintain your heating and air conditioning systems by changing the filters frequently. This includes gas appliances, wood stoves and fireplaces. Good maintenance and ventilation are important for keeping indoor air pollution under control.
A Bench that serves its Purpose
A bench doesn’t serve its purpose until it’s a storage box at the same time. Hundreds, even thousands of years ago, chairs were saved for the more important members of society (or ‘chairmen’); leaving the inferior sharing chest-like benches. Eventually, these benches developed four legs, arms and a back and became a more desirable place to sit, especially for children and couples (hence the name ‘love seat’).
The first benches to hold storage were most likely Piano benches, designed so that one or more people can sit and play the instrument at one time, in comfort. Storage is built into piano stools to allow the owner to keep all their sheets of music in easily accessible one place.
To have any furniture that has more than one use is always an advantage and considering people started out sitting on chests, it made sense that those chests were filled. Storage benches open via the seat, which acts as a lid usually spanning the whole length of the bench or two separate lids. Sometimes the lid comes off completely; otherwise it will open just at one side using hinges. Some storage boxes feature lids with prop-ups so that the lid can be opened and will stay there while you use both hands to retrieve what’s inside, without having to hold it open. Storage benches do not have legs, and are supported by the box underneath the seat. Once opened, the storage compartment usually stretches the height of the box, with a base and can hold almost anything. Storage chests can often be seen attached to a wall, underneath a windowsill as a ‘window seat’ and are likely to be upholstered either fully or just on the seat in satin, normal cotton or leather.
However, benches are not confined to being indoors. In fact, a common use nowadays is as a outdoor storage bench, placed outdoors to hold children’s toys, firewood, hay and garden tools amongst other things. Such outdoor benches are very successful as storage boxes, providing the wood they are made out of is treated and varnishes appropriately to avoid rotting, or that they are made from a material that isn’t subject to harsh weather such as plastic.
Also, many decorated storage benches are commonly found in children’s nurseries and bedrooms and are a perfect and attractive place to hold toys or baby blankets. Single-seated storage boxes are sometimes fitted with casters on the bottom to allow the child to sit down and pull up to a desk or scoot around the room. Casters on larger models of storage bench provide a great deal of flexibility and allow for a room to be rearranged as often as necessary or even to transport the contents to a more suitable place.
In general, storage benches provide a place for clutter to be hidden, organised and to be stored in a place that is easily accessed. Their double usage as a seat only makes this piece of furniture more appealing and they are especially useful in houses or gardens with limited space available for extra storage.
The first benches to hold storage were most likely Piano benches, designed so that one or more people can sit and play the instrument at one time, in comfort. Storage is built into piano stools to allow the owner to keep all their sheets of music in easily accessible one place.
To have any furniture that has more than one use is always an advantage and considering people started out sitting on chests, it made sense that those chests were filled. Storage benches open via the seat, which acts as a lid usually spanning the whole length of the bench or two separate lids. Sometimes the lid comes off completely; otherwise it will open just at one side using hinges. Some storage boxes feature lids with prop-ups so that the lid can be opened and will stay there while you use both hands to retrieve what’s inside, without having to hold it open. Storage benches do not have legs, and are supported by the box underneath the seat. Once opened, the storage compartment usually stretches the height of the box, with a base and can hold almost anything. Storage chests can often be seen attached to a wall, underneath a windowsill as a ‘window seat’ and are likely to be upholstered either fully or just on the seat in satin, normal cotton or leather.
However, benches are not confined to being indoors. In fact, a common use nowadays is as a outdoor storage bench, placed outdoors to hold children’s toys, firewood, hay and garden tools amongst other things. Such outdoor benches are very successful as storage boxes, providing the wood they are made out of is treated and varnishes appropriately to avoid rotting, or that they are made from a material that isn’t subject to harsh weather such as plastic.
Also, many decorated storage benches are commonly found in children’s nurseries and bedrooms and are a perfect and attractive place to hold toys or baby blankets. Single-seated storage boxes are sometimes fitted with casters on the bottom to allow the child to sit down and pull up to a desk or scoot around the room. Casters on larger models of storage bench provide a great deal of flexibility and allow for a room to be rearranged as often as necessary or even to transport the contents to a more suitable place.
In general, storage benches provide a place for clutter to be hidden, organised and to be stored in a place that is easily accessed. Their double usage as a seat only makes this piece of furniture more appealing and they are especially useful in houses or gardens with limited space available for extra storage.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Traveling in Wheelchair
Traveling always give a person the feeling of excitement and fulfillment. Visiting new places, eating at a great restaurant or watching your favorite football game at the stadium is a great way to spend a free time. But for disabled individuals, especially for those in a wheelchair, these activities can be overwhelming and difficult. But there are things disabled people can do before traveling to make the experience more relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable.
Say for instance you are thinking of having a meal at restaurant that you saw in the advertisement offering great foods. You can call ahead to make a reservation and to make sure that they have facilities that accommodates disabled individuals. You would not want to arrive at the restaurant and find out that they don’t have ramps and as a result they have to carry you to get inside the restaurant. Nor is it amazing to find out that their bathrooms can accommodate average sized people only but not you and your wheelchair. It is, thus, good to call ahead to make sure that you have a great dining experience.
Here are several questions you can ask when calling for a reservation in a hotel or restaurant. First, ask if they have elevators or stairs. Do they have ramps or elevators in all floors of the building? You can also ask how wide their doors are and what kind of knobs, latches or handles they have. How big their bathroom is? And some other questions that you think you need to know. If the restaurant or hotel has problems with accommodating disabled individuals, you can try talking to the management for the necessary adjustments.
Most business places today are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act to have facilities appropriate to disabled individuals or make adjustments in order to accommodate them. But of course, every disabled person’s need is unique. Hence, your needs will really depend on your environment. If you are in a rural hotel you cannot expect them to offer you the same services given by those in urban places. But still, they have to provide adjustments in order to accommodate you.
So before you get on on with your travel it is important to make the necessary preparations to make sure that you have a great experience. You need not regret anymore that you have chosen the hotel or restaurant because they did not provide you the necessary accommodation. When you come prepared you can be sure to make the most of your traveling experience.
A Bedwetting Teen Back In Diapers – Could Be A Serious Medical Problem
A bedwetting teen back in diapers is a stressful situation both for the teen and the parents. Even if you are concerned, you should never let your fears transfer to the child. However, you should try to be as sensitive as possible because any teen that has to wear diapers for a bedwetting problem does not feel very good about the situation. He/She knows there is a problem and the stress of worrying about the possibility of bedwetting could actually make the situation worse. When you have a bedwetting teen back in diapers, you need to look very carefully at the diet, the amount of liquids consumed, any stressful triggers and any medication that he/she might be taking.
One thing that you should do with a bedwetting teen back in diapers is to take the teen for a full check up by the doctor. This will help to rule out any medical problems, which could be causing the bedwetting, especially if this is something new that has developed. Once the doctor has done necessary tests to rule out diabetes, problems with the excretory system, then he/she will help you look for solutions to help the bed wetting teen back in diapers. While disposable diapers and pull ups do help the teen in situations where others might find out about the bedwetting, bedwetting diapers are not a cure for the problem.
A bed wetting teen back in diapers will probably try to hide that fact that he/she is wetting the bed. This is easy to do by changing the bed early each morning while you may be wondering where all the laundry is coming from. If you try to be sensitive, you can have a stack of bed sheets handy so the young person can do this without being conspicuous to others in the house. You do have to be careful you don’t let the teen know that you are worried because a bedwetting teen back in diapers can pick up these vibes quite easily. Point out that it is not his/her fault, but that you need to consult with a doctor just to make sure there is nothing wrong.
With bedwetting teens in diapers, if you make cleaning up a form of punishment, this will make the teen more uncomfortable. He/She will dread waking up in the morning just in case they find that the bed is wet. If you discuss the problem and discuss possible solutions along with bedwetting diapers, chances are the teen will be very receptive to various bedwetting solutions. Behavior modification may be one method you can use with the many models of bed wetting alarms that are on the market. These will help a bedwetting teen back in diapers to wake up at the first sign of moisture so that he/she can get to the bathroom in time.
There are also medications to help a bedwetting teen back in diapers. One of these is DDAVP, a medication that works by reducing the amount of urine that the body produces during the night. According to the research results of this medication, bed wetting teens back in diapers relish the thought of something to help ensure they do not wet the bed. They may use bedwetting diapers when they first start taking this medication because they are not sure if it will work or not. However, a bedwetting teen back in diapers usually has low levels of the hormone that regulates the amount of urine their bodies produce and the DDAVP helps to bring this into the normal range.
One thing that you should do with a bedwetting teen back in diapers is to take the teen for a full check up by the doctor. This will help to rule out any medical problems, which could be causing the bedwetting, especially if this is something new that has developed. Once the doctor has done necessary tests to rule out diabetes, problems with the excretory system, then he/she will help you look for solutions to help the bed wetting teen back in diapers. While disposable diapers and pull ups do help the teen in situations where others might find out about the bedwetting, bedwetting diapers are not a cure for the problem.
A bed wetting teen back in diapers will probably try to hide that fact that he/she is wetting the bed. This is easy to do by changing the bed early each morning while you may be wondering where all the laundry is coming from. If you try to be sensitive, you can have a stack of bed sheets handy so the young person can do this without being conspicuous to others in the house. You do have to be careful you don’t let the teen know that you are worried because a bedwetting teen back in diapers can pick up these vibes quite easily. Point out that it is not his/her fault, but that you need to consult with a doctor just to make sure there is nothing wrong.
With bedwetting teens in diapers, if you make cleaning up a form of punishment, this will make the teen more uncomfortable. He/She will dread waking up in the morning just in case they find that the bed is wet. If you discuss the problem and discuss possible solutions along with bedwetting diapers, chances are the teen will be very receptive to various bedwetting solutions. Behavior modification may be one method you can use with the many models of bed wetting alarms that are on the market. These will help a bedwetting teen back in diapers to wake up at the first sign of moisture so that he/she can get to the bathroom in time.
There are also medications to help a bedwetting teen back in diapers. One of these is DDAVP, a medication that works by reducing the amount of urine that the body produces during the night. According to the research results of this medication, bed wetting teens back in diapers relish the thought of something to help ensure they do not wet the bed. They may use bedwetting diapers when they first start taking this medication because they are not sure if it will work or not. However, a bedwetting teen back in diapers usually has low levels of the hormone that regulates the amount of urine their bodies produce and the DDAVP helps to bring this into the normal range.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Top 8 des Bonnes Raisons de Jouer au Casino
Lors de multiples discussions, il en est ressorti que ce qui motive une personne a jouer de plus en plus au casino et autres jeux d'argent est son rapport a la vie.
Pour ces dernieres, la vie elle meme est un jeu. Respirer est un jeu,sortir hors de chez soi est un jeu, bref, meme le quotidien est un jeu. mais le casino, quant a lui, nous offre des sensations uniques car les paris ne sont, contrairement aux mouvemet quotidiens,bases que sur le fruit du hasard. Le casino procure a l'homme une montee d'adrenaline hors norme. Le risque est donc plus fort.
Ainsi, de cette etude. il en est ressorti les resultats suivants:
Le temps des vacances:
Ces 10 dernieres annees, Las Vegas est devenue l'endroit populaire pour jouer en famille car a la mise en place de systeme de resort et d'attractions familiales.
Pour gagner et devenir riche :
De toutes personnes interviewées ces personnes sont les plus representatives du phenomene. Elles sont venues au casino avec l'espoir de devenir riches et de pouvoir changer le cours de leur destin.
Problèmes d'argent :
Rejoint l'idee precedente. Beaucoup semble croire qu'ils peuvent regler leurs problèmes d'argent en jouant. Or, il y a aussi de forte chance, si madame chance n'est pas la, qu'elles engrangent d'avantages de pertes et de problemes si elles ne peuvent gerer leurs jeux et leurs mises.
Salle de Mariage:
Pour certains, se rendre au casino est l'endroit ideal pour celebrer son mariage. Un peu comme dans une eglise quoi. Et de preference a Las Vegas ou Salt Lake City. Leurs salles deviennent a la mode pour ce genre d'evenement en raison de leur prix rentable, l'originalite de leur hall d'accueil et l'espace de la salle pouvant accueillir grand nombre d'invites.
Leurs revenus.
Pour certains, le casino est comme un metier. Certains y passent toute leur journee pour pouvoir remporter une sorte de "salaire" plus ou moins eleve d'ici la fin du mois.
Pour trouver l'ame soeur:
Vous n'imagineriez pas le nombre de personnes celibataires se rendant en casino lors de parties de celibataires, uniquement dns l'espoir de trouver l'ame soeur et pourtant. Grand nombre de personnes interrogees y ont mentionne ce desir.
Pour fuir de chez soi :
La majorite des personnes interrogees ayant repondu pour sortir de chez soi sont essentiellement des gens de la gente masculine, tous maries depuis plus de 10 ans et peres de famille. Ces derniers se rendent generalement au casino en moyenne une fois par mois pendant quelques heures avant de rentrer.
Pour le plaisir :
Ces personnes auraient eu la bonne reponse. Toutefois, j'ai du mal a croire que cette categorie, qui devrait apparaitre en premiere place, ne se trouve au final qu'au bas de la liste. En effet, jouer au casino devrait etre avant tout une partie de plaisir. Integrer une ambiance hors pair d'un casino reel, avoir des boissons gratuites et ameliorer leur techniques de jeux, telles sont leurs principales preoccupations.
2006 High Point Furniture Show Scheduled Events
If you're not familiar with the High Point International Home Furnishings Market, it's the largest trade show in the US for furniture. The first furniture market was held in 1909 in High Point, North Carolina and was called the Southern Furniture Market.
Today, the trade show is attended by people from all over the globe. It's held twice a year and you can learn about anything from home fashion and design to how to effectively build your retail furniture business. You also get to see the new furniture trends and styles before they hit the market.
The dates for the upcoming Furniture Market will be April 27 to May 3. Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect at the approaching furniture show.
Day 1 – April 27:
Learn what industry experts are doing to close their sales.
40% of your customers are checking out your website before and after a purchase. Are you sending the right message?
How to tell fashion from fad. Invest in the right thing.
Is your inventory lost? Learn some great tips on inventory management.
Day 2 – April 28:
Don't miss Candice Olson, the host of the popular HGTV show “Divine Design with Candice Olson,” give some design solutions and tips.
Find out how adjusting your store lighting can make a big difference in the presentation of your furniture.
Do you advertise on TV or thinking about it? Find out how to do it right.
Day 3 – April 29:
The Allure 2006 Fashion Show hosted by Nancy Glass
Diversify yourself by retailing if you're a designer or designing if you're a retailer.
The session shows you how to combine them both and help your bottom line.
Drive your sales. Learn how to create that High Performance Sales Force.
Day 4 – April 30:
Ever wonder how you can compete against the National Brands? This day has a session just for the Independent Furniture Retailer.
Stay way ahead of the trends with the “8 Incoming Looks for 2007.”
Find new ways to control your delivery expenses.
How would you sell to your Grandmother? This session titled, “Selling to Your Grandmother” is about building trust and getting intimate with your customers.
May 1-3 is all about shopping and networking. For more information go to:
Today, the trade show is attended by people from all over the globe. It's held twice a year and you can learn about anything from home fashion and design to how to effectively build your retail furniture business. You also get to see the new furniture trends and styles before they hit the market.
The dates for the upcoming Furniture Market will be April 27 to May 3. Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect at the approaching furniture show.
Day 1 – April 27:
Learn what industry experts are doing to close their sales.
40% of your customers are checking out your website before and after a purchase. Are you sending the right message?
How to tell fashion from fad. Invest in the right thing.
Is your inventory lost? Learn some great tips on inventory management.
Day 2 – April 28:
Don't miss Candice Olson, the host of the popular HGTV show “Divine Design with Candice Olson,” give some design solutions and tips.
Find out how adjusting your store lighting can make a big difference in the presentation of your furniture.
Do you advertise on TV or thinking about it? Find out how to do it right.
Day 3 – April 29:
The Allure 2006 Fashion Show hosted by Nancy Glass
Diversify yourself by retailing if you're a designer or designing if you're a retailer.
The session shows you how to combine them both and help your bottom line.
Drive your sales. Learn how to create that High Performance Sales Force.
Day 4 – April 30:
Ever wonder how you can compete against the National Brands? This day has a session just for the Independent Furniture Retailer.
Stay way ahead of the trends with the “8 Incoming Looks for 2007.”
Find new ways to control your delivery expenses.
How would you sell to your Grandmother? This session titled, “Selling to Your Grandmother” is about building trust and getting intimate with your customers.
May 1-3 is all about shopping and networking. For more information go to:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Water Filters: Facts You May Not Know
Water filters that are used in the home are mainly used to remove various metals or chemicals. Examples of substances that can be removed are chlorine or lead. Sometimes the water filters are used to get rid of harmful substances, and at other times they are used to improve the taste or odor of the water.
There are many types of filters that can be used in the home. These include microporous ceramic filters, carbon block resin, metallic alloy filters, granular activated carbon filters, ultra-filtration membranes, distillation systems, and reverse osmosis flters.
Microporous ceramic filters use ceramic to pass the water through. The pores in the ceramic are so small that the unwanted substances are not able to pass through with the water. When this type of filter gets clogged up, you just need to run water through it in the reverse direction to unclog the pores.
Granular activated carbon filters work by passing the water through a type of carbon that filters out the impurities. Carbon filters have to be replaced periodically. They cannot change the acidity of water.
Water distillers work by boiling the water and then catching and condensing the steam back into water. The result should be totally pure water. However, this process does remove the good minerals from the water too.
Reverse osmosis filters use pressure to drive the reverse osmosis process, and the result is very pure water, just like distilled water. It was originally invented in order to create drinking water from salt water, but it works for taking out other substances too. Like distilled water, there will be no minerals left in the water.
There are various points in your home where you can install a water filter. If you want to filter your whole home’s water at once, you can install a whole house water filtration system. A smaller solution would be to install a water filter under your kitchen sink to filter only the water in the kitchen.
Other water filters come built into refrigerators and filter the water that is used to create ice as well as the water that is dispensed in the refrigerator door.
You can get a water pitcher that will filter just a pitcher full of water at a time. You can even get water bottles with a built in filter. This is great for use at work, since you can just add tap water to the bottle and you will be drinking filtered water.
There are numerous health benefits to drinking filtered water. Water filters can remove harmful substances such as lead, chlorine, bacteria, harmful metals, and other toxins. Filtered water often tastes better too, so you drink more of it, which is good for your overall health. Even cooked food can taste better when prepared with filtered water.
Home water filters are cheaper in the long run than continually purchasing bottled water. It saves you the time and effort of carrying home all that water too. And you don’t need to find a place to store the water bottles. Having filtered water always available is definitely very convenient.
99 Places Where You Need To Watch Out For Germs
They're lying in wait for you at the ATM machine and on your computer keyboard at work. Secretly, they attach themselves to your hands when you push a shopping cart at the store. The little pests will even attach themselves to your children's hands when they romp on playground equipment.
They're germs, and they're lurking in more places than most people think, just waiting to be touched so they can hitch a ride on people's hands.
"Most people think they have a good idea of where germs are, but I think they would be surprised to learn of the places or things where they can pick up germs that may make them sick," said Dr. Charles Gerba, Environmental Microbiology professor at the University of Arizona.
Where the Germs Lurk
According to Dr. Gerba, many people know there are germs in bathrooms, but may not realize that the computer keyboard at work or the sponge in the kitchen can be even filthier than a toilet seat. From the workplace, the home and school to cars, trains and planes, germs are everywhere. Even during activities such as exercising, playing, shopping, going to the movies, attending sports events and commuting, people are coming in contact with germs and may not realize it.
A Simple Solution
Since many germs are spread by hand contact, practicing good hygiene every day is a solution to the problem. When soap and water aren't available, using an instant hand sanitizer like Purell will do the job. This alcohol-based hand sanitizer kills 99.99% of the most common germs that may cause illness.
A list of "99 Places Where Germs are Likely to Lurk" includes:
At work-elevator buttons, phones, shared ink pens
At the gym-exercise machine handles, mats
When traveling-subway poles and handles, gas pump nozzles
At school-shared toys and books, cafeteria trays, playground equipment
At home-pet toys, light switches, thermostats
When shopping-escalator handrails, shopping basket handles.
Knowing where germs are and practicing good hand hygiene can help keep families healthy.
They're germs, and they're lurking in more places than most people think, just waiting to be touched so they can hitch a ride on people's hands.
"Most people think they have a good idea of where germs are, but I think they would be surprised to learn of the places or things where they can pick up germs that may make them sick," said Dr. Charles Gerba, Environmental Microbiology professor at the University of Arizona.
Where the Germs Lurk
According to Dr. Gerba, many people know there are germs in bathrooms, but may not realize that the computer keyboard at work or the sponge in the kitchen can be even filthier than a toilet seat. From the workplace, the home and school to cars, trains and planes, germs are everywhere. Even during activities such as exercising, playing, shopping, going to the movies, attending sports events and commuting, people are coming in contact with germs and may not realize it.
A Simple Solution
Since many germs are spread by hand contact, practicing good hygiene every day is a solution to the problem. When soap and water aren't available, using an instant hand sanitizer like Purell will do the job. This alcohol-based hand sanitizer kills 99.99% of the most common germs that may cause illness.
A list of "99 Places Where Germs are Likely to Lurk" includes:
At work-elevator buttons, phones, shared ink pens
At the gym-exercise machine handles, mats
When traveling-subway poles and handles, gas pump nozzles
At school-shared toys and books, cafeteria trays, playground equipment
At home-pet toys, light switches, thermostats
When shopping-escalator handrails, shopping basket handles.
Knowing where germs are and practicing good hand hygiene can help keep families healthy.
Friday, March 26, 2010
What Are The Perfect Gifts for Single Mom's?
Copyright 2006 Monique Hawkins
Single moms, like the rest of us, enjoy receiving gifts. Whether it is Christmas, a birthday, Mother's Day, or a gift as a token of love, gifts have a special place in their lives. Some of them might joy musical gifts such as ballerina music boxes, musical jewelry boxes, wooden keepsake boxes, and other music boxes. However, not just any type of gift will do! They are certain types of gifts that single moms will appreciate more than others. Let's discover what they are.
First, here is what to avoid: purchasing hats, scarves, expensive bottles of perfume, and other pricey items unless they are items she truly desires. Some people think these types of gifts will be greatly appreciated since she could not afford them herself. For the most part, this is not the case. Most single moms will, of course, be gracious. However, in their heads they likely are thinking, "I could have used the money it cost for this gift to pay my car payment or get my car tuned up!"
Seriously, what are the perfect gifts for single mom's? Many times it is simple as just taking some of the stress and pressure off. They need someone to take the kids for a few days so they can rest, nap, get a manicure, or spend time with a girlfriend.
What would really make her happy is for someone to pay her electric bill for one month. What would make her smile is to give her a babysitting coupon for a few Saturday nights. She really would like to relax and have special mom time by someone taking the kids for a day or weekend. These types of thoughtful gifts single moms' love.
If a single mom has experienced participated in activities that would invoke special memories with family and friends, and there are lots of pictures that have been taken, gifts such as a scrapbook of memories, or a video of these special events would bring a smile to her face.
If you have a number of single mom's for friends, you'll notice a common thread. They may not need help and would not ask, but if help is received, it would mean so much to them. So, instead of giving expensive and pretty gifts, thoughtfully think about what would make life just a little easier. What would take some of the pressure off and bring relief? These types of gifts are the perfect gifts for single moms!
22 Ways to get through the family get together and survive!
I was asked recently “HELP. My mother is planning a family get together for her birthday. We all get on individually but when we are together, by the end of the night there are generally fallouts and I am anticipating another disaster. Mum will be offended if I don’t go. Can you help me manage this situation so that she is not offended and I can perhaps feel less tense about going?”
Sound familiar? Yes. We’ve all been to them and unfortunately many of us will tend to recall the bad memories as opposed to the positive ones.
I have put down some thoughts about how you could make this less tedious for yourself.
1. You could try making the get together brief. Perhaps reminding others in the family that when you are all together over a prolonged period of time, things regularly deteriorate. They may share your views but be afraid to stand up and say so. You may be able to agree to set a time limit conducive to more good memories and less bad. If they don’t agree on this occasion, they are still more likely to remember what you have said and based on the next experience be willing to modify things.
2. Remember, that you can still opt to do what you choose without the support of the rest of your family.
3. If the children tend to be hyper, there are a number of things you can do.
4. Suggest you have the meal soon after arrival so that the children don’t eat too many sugary snacks or get involved in running around LOUDLY.
5. Could you have the party outside? Less mess
6. Organise things to do such as games.
7. Reduce the availability of alcohol.
8. If things look like getting fraught, consider injecting some humour into the situation.
9. Could you go to a venue outside so that you need not be concerned about cooking clearing up etc? Also less likely to have rows in a social setting.
10. Perhaps if each of you brought a different course, some pressure would be taken from mum.
11. Would it be possible to book in to a hotel for the meal? Maybe smaller tables would mean less chaos and there would be more choice about who to sit with. Everyone would also be more aware of a time constraint. If you don’t have to spend too lengthy a time together, everyone is more likely to make an effort to get on with each other.
12. Think ahead and be prepared to use some coping strategies.
Would it be possible to take a friend with you? Someone seen as not family may mean that others are less likely to misbehave. If you find particular people put you down then having an ally can be comforting.
13. Visualise yourself coping in the situation.
14. Use breathing exercises to stay calm.
15. Wear comfortable clothes that you feel confident in.
16. Endeavour to ignore the trivialities.
17. Sometimes it can pay to just shut out what is being said.
18. Do not go to these events expecting everything to go well. Accept that there will be some difficulties
19. Mentally prepare yourself beforehand by making sure you give yourself some “. Me time.”
20. Do something which makes you feel good .Go for a massage, a walk or listen to some music
21. If you go to the get together reward yourself afterwards for going.
This article was submitted by Mary Lennox an experienced counsellor and intuitive life coach. The combination of her education, career background and life experiences enable her to have an empathic understanding across abroad spectrum of circumstances. Visit her website for more free articles or to subscribe to her free bi monthly newsletter "WORKOUT."
Sound familiar? Yes. We’ve all been to them and unfortunately many of us will tend to recall the bad memories as opposed to the positive ones.
I have put down some thoughts about how you could make this less tedious for yourself.
1. You could try making the get together brief. Perhaps reminding others in the family that when you are all together over a prolonged period of time, things regularly deteriorate. They may share your views but be afraid to stand up and say so. You may be able to agree to set a time limit conducive to more good memories and less bad. If they don’t agree on this occasion, they are still more likely to remember what you have said and based on the next experience be willing to modify things.
2. Remember, that you can still opt to do what you choose without the support of the rest of your family.
3. If the children tend to be hyper, there are a number of things you can do.
4. Suggest you have the meal soon after arrival so that the children don’t eat too many sugary snacks or get involved in running around LOUDLY.
5. Could you have the party outside? Less mess
6. Organise things to do such as games.
7. Reduce the availability of alcohol.
8. If things look like getting fraught, consider injecting some humour into the situation.
9. Could you go to a venue outside so that you need not be concerned about cooking clearing up etc? Also less likely to have rows in a social setting.
10. Perhaps if each of you brought a different course, some pressure would be taken from mum.
11. Would it be possible to book in to a hotel for the meal? Maybe smaller tables would mean less chaos and there would be more choice about who to sit with. Everyone would also be more aware of a time constraint. If you don’t have to spend too lengthy a time together, everyone is more likely to make an effort to get on with each other.
12. Think ahead and be prepared to use some coping strategies.
Would it be possible to take a friend with you? Someone seen as not family may mean that others are less likely to misbehave. If you find particular people put you down then having an ally can be comforting.
13. Visualise yourself coping in the situation.
14. Use breathing exercises to stay calm.
15. Wear comfortable clothes that you feel confident in.
16. Endeavour to ignore the trivialities.
17. Sometimes it can pay to just shut out what is being said.
18. Do not go to these events expecting everything to go well. Accept that there will be some difficulties
19. Mentally prepare yourself beforehand by making sure you give yourself some “. Me time.”
20. Do something which makes you feel good .Go for a massage, a walk or listen to some music
21. If you go to the get together reward yourself afterwards for going.
This article was submitted by Mary Lennox an experienced counsellor and intuitive life coach. The combination of her education, career background and life experiences enable her to have an empathic understanding across abroad spectrum of circumstances. Visit her website for more free articles or to subscribe to her free bi monthly newsletter "WORKOUT."
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Visco Memory Foam Mattress
A visco memory foam mattress gets it's name from the visco-elastic material developed for NASA in the early 1970's in conjunction with the space program.
The astronauts in the space program were facing incredible g-forces, at take-off and re-entry, and the materials that were available, at that time, weren't sufficient to cushion their bodies.
Of course, they weren't looking for a memory foam mattress, they needed seating that was more like a big, overstuffed recliner.
Visco memory foam was developed from foam that had some unique characteristics, such as being open celled and able to return to their original shape and resiliency after being compressed.
You may have seen the commercial with the 30 ton steam roller smashing a mattress flat and how it slowly returns to it's exact original shape...or maybe you're more familiar with the picture of a hand above a mattress with the hand print still showing on it.
Both illustrations are meant to show you the slow recovery of visco memory foam.
Because the billions of cells, in a visco memory foam mattress, are open, air can slowly escape from them and pass into other cells that are adjacent.
As you lie on a visco memory foam mattress, it "melts away" from you until your body is completely and evenly supported over it's entire surface.
That's what has been termed by some as feeling like you're floating in space. (Even though I love my mattress, I've never felt like that was a good explanation of how it feels)
A visco memory foam mattress is temperature sensitive, so it reacts to your body temperature by softening where your body is in contact with the mattress. If you have an injury, with a fever, the mattress is softer under that place on your body.
In the beginning developments of this material, it was too expensive to be used for residential consumer mattresses and pillows.
Over time, the manufacturing costs have been whittled to a point that a good memory foam mattress is as reasonably priced as a good innerspring mattress and there is no comparison in the comfort of the two.
Memory foam is now being combined with other materials to meet the needs of the vast multitude of consumers who are looking for:
a better night's sleep
relief from back, neck or leg pain
relief from a partner's restless movement
better circulation
a compromise to a softer feel for one person while maintaining the support the other person is used to from a firm mattress
Schedule some time to do some memory foam mattress pricing comparisons and you'll see that you can, affordably, be sleeping on a mattress that is great for your body, health and your budget.
15 Resources For Tracing Your Family Ancestry
If you're like me, when you were young, looking beyond your mother and father to find out where you came from just wasn't important.
Well, I've found that the older you get, the more important your ancestry becomes. I'm not sure why. Maybe I have a broader perspective on things now. Maybe I'm just curious as to whether there was nobility in my family. Perhaps I'm looking for some closet skeletons.
Whatever my reasons, I do find tracing my ancestry fascinating. It is so interesting to learn about other people--how they lived, what they did, who they knew. But I've also learned along the way that most people haven't a clue what resources are available to them beyond the usual - interviewing family, checking birth certificates and newspapers, etc.
So here I've compiled a list of 25 resources you should take advantage of if you're really serious about finding out "where you came from."
1.The obvious, of course, is interviewing family members; not only mom and dad, but aunts, uncles, distant cousins. Start by drawing a quick family tree going back just two generations and start making calls or sending mail or emails. Here are some of the basic things you'll want to know:
Complete names (married and maiden names)
Addresses throughout their live
Birth records
Military service (when and where)
Marriage records (even attendants, if possible)
Property records (state and county)
Burial records (where)
Old pictures, especially if they have names and dates
2.Family bibles. While it doesn't seem to be such a common practice these days, in the past, families kept their bible forever, often keeping record of family members, births, marriages, and deaths on pages within the bible.
3.Old family letters. Once again, with technology, we've all but lost the art of letter writing (what will our own children and grand children have to look back on in years to come?). But older generations tended to preserve letters of importance. These letters can oftentimes be of great value in tracing your ancestry. They may contain important dates, facts, and places that will be of help. Check return addresses and postmarks for information.
4.Legal documents are a great resource. Such documents include deeds (property addresses), wills (names of kin you may not have known about), marriage licenses (note the witnesses), birth certificates, voter registration, adoption records, and even judgements. Your search for these documents should begin with state and county records.
5.What about associations your ancestors may have belonged to? These would include churches, clubs, veterans groups and lodges, all of which may be able to provide background information for your search.
6.Census data. After 1840 the Census collected age, place of birth, occupation, personal wealth, education, spouse, children, hired hands, and even immigration information. Copies of the original decennial census forms from 1790 through 1930 are available on microfilm for research at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC (, at Archives regional centers, and at select Federal depository libraries throughout the United States.
7.Naturalizations records.
For Pre-1906 Naturalizations:
Contact the State Archives for the state where the naturalization occurred to request a search of state, county, and local courts records.
Contact the NARA regional facility that serves the state where naturalization occurred to request a search of Federal court records.
For Naturalizations After 1906:
After 1906, the courts forwarded copies of naturalizations to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Naturalizations from Federal Courts are held in the NARA's regional facilities for the Federal courts for their area. Learn more:
8.Grave sites. Headstones will give dates and possible family names.
9.Libraries. Here you'll find newspaper articles (look for obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements) and books on local history (what was taking place during their life). Many libraries can be accessed online. You will also find genealogy information in several libraries, the Allen County Public Library in Indiana having the second largest genealogical collection in the US. Another good source is the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT.
10.Genealogy message boards. Google "genealogy message boards" and join in--you'll find a wealth of information available!
11.Military records. You'll find several sources online, including NARA (
12.High school and college yearbooks. These sources can help locate a relative or provide other resources for your search. Check online.
13.Family pedigrees. These are family groups already linked in a computer system. Accessing an individual's family group sheet in a linked pedigree will also give you access to all of the records that are linked to that individual. Two great sources are Kindred Connections ( and the Family History Library (
14.U.S. Immigration records. Two great sources are Ellis Island Records ( and (
15.Social Security Death Index. This is a database of people whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA) beginning about 1962. The best source is (
Now that you're all grown up and interested in finding your "roots", these 15 resources should get you well on your way. It'll be a fun and rewarding adventure.
Well, I've found that the older you get, the more important your ancestry becomes. I'm not sure why. Maybe I have a broader perspective on things now. Maybe I'm just curious as to whether there was nobility in my family. Perhaps I'm looking for some closet skeletons.
Whatever my reasons, I do find tracing my ancestry fascinating. It is so interesting to learn about other people--how they lived, what they did, who they knew. But I've also learned along the way that most people haven't a clue what resources are available to them beyond the usual - interviewing family, checking birth certificates and newspapers, etc.
So here I've compiled a list of 25 resources you should take advantage of if you're really serious about finding out "where you came from."
1.The obvious, of course, is interviewing family members; not only mom and dad, but aunts, uncles, distant cousins. Start by drawing a quick family tree going back just two generations and start making calls or sending mail or emails. Here are some of the basic things you'll want to know:
2.Family bibles. While it doesn't seem to be such a common practice these days, in the past, families kept their bible forever, often keeping record of family members, births, marriages, and deaths on pages within the bible.
3.Old family letters. Once again, with technology, we've all but lost the art of letter writing (what will our own children and grand children have to look back on in years to come?). But older generations tended to preserve letters of importance. These letters can oftentimes be of great value in tracing your ancestry. They may contain important dates, facts, and places that will be of help. Check return addresses and postmarks for information.
4.Legal documents are a great resource. Such documents include deeds (property addresses), wills (names of kin you may not have known about), marriage licenses (note the witnesses), birth certificates, voter registration, adoption records, and even judgements. Your search for these documents should begin with state and county records.
5.What about associations your ancestors may have belonged to? These would include churches, clubs, veterans groups and lodges, all of which may be able to provide background information for your search.
6.Census data. After 1840 the Census collected age, place of birth, occupation, personal wealth, education, spouse, children, hired hands, and even immigration information. Copies of the original decennial census forms from 1790 through 1930 are available on microfilm for research at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC (, at Archives regional centers, and at select Federal depository libraries throughout the United States.
7.Naturalizations records.
For Pre-1906 Naturalizations:
Contact the State Archives for the state where the naturalization occurred to request a search of state, county, and local courts records.
Contact the NARA regional facility that serves the state where naturalization occurred to request a search of Federal court records.
For Naturalizations After 1906:
After 1906, the courts forwarded copies of naturalizations to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Naturalizations from Federal Courts are held in the NARA's regional facilities for the Federal courts for their area. Learn more:
8.Grave sites. Headstones will give dates and possible family names.
9.Libraries. Here you'll find newspaper articles (look for obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements) and books on local history (what was taking place during their life). Many libraries can be accessed online. You will also find genealogy information in several libraries, the Allen County Public Library in Indiana having the second largest genealogical collection in the US. Another good source is the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT.
10.Genealogy message boards. Google "genealogy message boards" and join in--you'll find a wealth of information available!
11.Military records. You'll find several sources online, including NARA (
12.High school and college yearbooks. These sources can help locate a relative or provide other resources for your search. Check online.
13.Family pedigrees. These are family groups already linked in a computer system. Accessing an individual's family group sheet in a linked pedigree will also give you access to all of the records that are linked to that individual. Two great sources are Kindred Connections ( and the Family History Library (
14.U.S. Immigration records. Two great sources are Ellis Island Records ( and (
15.Social Security Death Index. This is a database of people whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA) beginning about 1962. The best source is (
Now that you're all grown up and interested in finding your "roots", these 15 resources should get you well on your way. It'll be a fun and rewarding adventure.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What Is There To Be Known About Bedroom Sets and Duvet Covers
The main purpose for buying a bed is and always will be, of course, for sleeping in it. There are a lot of other things that can be done in a bed, but the main purpose is getting good sleep after a long day’s work.
Beds are the most important pieces in bedroom sets that can be found in the stores, varying only in style and dimensions.
Every person must think thoroughly before going out buying a bed, as children and adults do not share the same needs, mainly when it comes to safety and the feeling of well being when getting to bed.
An inexpensive way to change the look of the bedroom is by decorating it with duvet covers, it’s quick and versatile. You just have to choose the look you like and pick the duvet cover colors accordingly.
Girls and boys have different tastes and thus different needs when it comes to selecting the most suitable furniture set. Parents may think that all furniture designed for children are the same, but one must take into account the everyday activities of the girl or boy who will live there. Children play and might get hurt if the furniture set is not suitable for them. Parents should look for durability and especially for furniture that do not have chemical finishes, as children may by accident get some of the toxic materials ingested and complications of many types can occur at any time. Older children want the bedroom set in their room to reflect their personality and style , this being a very important thing that parents must keep in mind. It must be suitable for having their friends over and the entire room must contain all those pleasant things that make a teen’s life so wonderful.
Bedroom sets are designed in various styles , for every person’s taste and financial availability, but beside style and looks , a good thing to remember is that the price is not always a measure of durability and the quality of the pieces of furniture in a bedroom set may sometimes be questionable. The risk of buying something trendy, but not long lasting can be avoided by making the choice of adopting the classic style, thus including all the necessary pieces in a bedroom.
While You're Away, The Pests Will Play
While you and your family pack your bags and abandon the house for vacation this season, some populations are poised to play in your absence.
For certain pests, an empty home is a friendly home. And when you rush out of town, it's important to take precautions so unexpected pests don't get too comfortable roaming in and around your house.
"When your family is at home, the house may seem perfectly pest-free," said Frank Meek, entomologist and technical director for Orkin, Inc. "But when you leave, the inactivity invites some pests to venture from the safety of their hiding places."
Ants and roaches are common household pests that enjoy the freedom of foraging when homeowners are away, especially if foods have been stored carelessly in the haste of travel preparations.
Like many insects, these pests are not picky eaters. While they normally dwell outdoors, they often enter homes in search of food, warmth and water, exploiting cracks around doors, pipes and windows.
Fleas are another pest that may thrive around your home during the summer months. These small, wingless parasites find their way inside on family pets and can lay eggs in carpet, bedding and floor cracks. When you return from vacation, vibrations in the house cause fleas and their eggs to spring into action, looking for new hosts on which to feed.
However, ants, cockroaches and fleas are not the only pests that may take advantage of your absence. Other pests, including crickets, flies, spiders and rodents, enjoy low-traffic, human-free environments, especially when they provide food and shelter.
To prevent such invasions, Orkin offers these pre-vacation tips for homeowners:
• Seal any entry points around windows and doorways, such as cracks and unnecessary openings.
• Remove any type of food attraction: tightly seal stored foods and pet foods, secure garbage and remove dishes from the sink.
• Frequently check your pets for fleas and other parasites. Wash pet bedding and vacuum carpets weekly.
14 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Identity Theft:
The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act, known commonly as FACTA, was put into law in the United States to help to protect consumers from identity theft and to help in its prevention. FACTA ensures that all citizens are treated fairly when they apply for a mortgage or other form of credit and it entitles them to a free annual credit report to verify its accuracy.
Becoming a major epidemic, Identity Theft occurs when a criminal uses another person's personal information to take on that person's identity. Identity theft includes the misuse of a Social Security number, credit cards, mail fraud, scam, schemes, frauds, or any other form of misuse or abuse of a victim’s identity.
There is no guarantee that you will never be a victim; however, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk. Here is a list of 14 steps you can take to prevent or at least minimize its occurrence:
1. Manage your personal information cautiously and with a new awareness that identity theft can occur anytime anywhere and when you least expect it.
2. Ask about security procedures in your workplace, doctor's office, or other business or organization that routinely collects relevant and personal identifying information as part of doing business or providing a service. Find out who has access to your personal information and verify that it is handled securely. Inquire about their disposal procedures and if your information will be shared with anyone else (namely third parties such as mailing list companies, marketing and survey companies, etc.).
3. Instead of giving your Social Security Number, inquire if you can use other types of identification. Use your Social Security Number with caution and only when absolutely necessary.
"Your Chances of becoming victimized by some form of identity theft is one in ten," according to the Federal Trade Commission.
4. If you find that you have been victimized, immediately file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC maintains a database of identity theft cases used by law enforcement agencies for investigations. Filing a complaint helps the FTC learn more about identity theft and the problems victims are having. This knowledge helps them to assist you better.
5. Carry only the identification and the number of credit and debit cards that you will actually use. Leave extra cards in a safe place at home, in a safety deposit box, or any other secured location.
6. Avoid giving out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or on the internet unless you are absolutely sure you know and can trust with whom you are communicating. Caution: Before you share personal information, be sure you are dealing with a legitimate business or organization. (If you are unsure about an online communication, check the organization’s website by typing its URL in the address line. Most large companies post alerts on their sites when they are aware of a scam when their name is used improperly.)
Identity thieves usually pose as representatives of banks, lotteries, sweepstakes, internet service providers, or some other officially-sounding-entity. They will use any means possible to try to get you to reveal your valuable information.
7. Call the Customer Service Department of companies or organizations with whom you do business using the number listed on your account statement or in the telephone book.
8. Do not place passwords on your credit card, bank, or telephone accounts.
9. When choosing a password, avoid using obvious information like your mother's maiden name, your birth date, a series of consecutive numbers, or the last four digits of your Social Security Number or your phone number.
10. Pay attention to your billing cycles. A missing bill could mean an identity thief has gotten their hands on it.
"9.9 million people were victims of identity theft in 2002", according to the Federal Trade Commission. Don't wait until it happens to you.
11. Be wary of promotional scams or phony offers to get you to give them your personal information such as lottery and sweepstakes’ that you have never entered and ones asking for an "administration" fee.
12. If your job requires you to suit up in special clothing at work, never leave your purse or wallet in your personal clothes. Always keep them in a safe and secured place.
13. When reordering checks, pick them up at the bank instead of having them sent to your mailbox.
14. Obtain a current credit report by contacting any of these major credit bureaus:
Equifax: P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-525-6285
Experian: P.O. Box 2002 Allen TX 75013
For Fraud Alerts, call: 888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
Trans Union: P.O. Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-680-7289
Think you're not at risk? Unfortunately, you are. View "Protecting Your Identity" blog at to learn more about what you can do to protect yours.
Becoming a major epidemic, Identity Theft occurs when a criminal uses another person's personal information to take on that person's identity. Identity theft includes the misuse of a Social Security number, credit cards, mail fraud, scam, schemes, frauds, or any other form of misuse or abuse of a victim’s identity.
There is no guarantee that you will never be a victim; however, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk. Here is a list of 14 steps you can take to prevent or at least minimize its occurrence:
1. Manage your personal information cautiously and with a new awareness that identity theft can occur anytime anywhere and when you least expect it.
2. Ask about security procedures in your workplace, doctor's office, or other business or organization that routinely collects relevant and personal identifying information as part of doing business or providing a service. Find out who has access to your personal information and verify that it is handled securely. Inquire about their disposal procedures and if your information will be shared with anyone else (namely third parties such as mailing list companies, marketing and survey companies, etc.).
3. Instead of giving your Social Security Number, inquire if you can use other types of identification. Use your Social Security Number with caution and only when absolutely necessary.
"Your Chances of becoming victimized by some form of identity theft is one in ten," according to the Federal Trade Commission.
4. If you find that you have been victimized, immediately file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC maintains a database of identity theft cases used by law enforcement agencies for investigations. Filing a complaint helps the FTC learn more about identity theft and the problems victims are having. This knowledge helps them to assist you better.
5. Carry only the identification and the number of credit and debit cards that you will actually use. Leave extra cards in a safe place at home, in a safety deposit box, or any other secured location.
6. Avoid giving out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or on the internet unless you are absolutely sure you know and can trust with whom you are communicating. Caution: Before you share personal information, be sure you are dealing with a legitimate business or organization. (If you are unsure about an online communication, check the organization’s website by typing its URL in the address line. Most large companies post alerts on their sites when they are aware of a scam when their name is used improperly.)
Identity thieves usually pose as representatives of banks, lotteries, sweepstakes, internet service providers, or some other officially-sounding-entity. They will use any means possible to try to get you to reveal your valuable information.
7. Call the Customer Service Department of companies or organizations with whom you do business using the number listed on your account statement or in the telephone book.
8. Do not place passwords on your credit card, bank, or telephone accounts.
9. When choosing a password, avoid using obvious information like your mother's maiden name, your birth date, a series of consecutive numbers, or the last four digits of your Social Security Number or your phone number.
10. Pay attention to your billing cycles. A missing bill could mean an identity thief has gotten their hands on it.
"9.9 million people were victims of identity theft in 2002", according to the Federal Trade Commission. Don't wait until it happens to you.
11. Be wary of promotional scams or phony offers to get you to give them your personal information such as lottery and sweepstakes’ that you have never entered and ones asking for an "administration" fee.
12. If your job requires you to suit up in special clothing at work, never leave your purse or wallet in your personal clothes. Always keep them in a safe and secured place.
13. When reordering checks, pick them up at the bank instead of having them sent to your mailbox.
14. Obtain a current credit report by contacting any of these major credit bureaus:
Equifax: P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-525-6285
Experian: P.O. Box 2002 Allen TX 75013
For Fraud Alerts, call: 888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
Trans Union: P.O. Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-680-7289
Think you're not at risk? Unfortunately, you are. View "Protecting Your Identity" blog at to learn more about what you can do to protect yours.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What will you gift your father on father’s day?
It becomes impossible to choose the perfect gift for the person you love most that is your father. Any father will be happy with even the smallest gift you give because it is their simplicity and love that makes them behave this way. But you can really give him a nice gift on the occasion of father’s day that he can enjoy by simply digging a little into a combination of interest, history, your relationship and his basic needs.
You can make your father’s day memorable with a gift that he will treasure for lifetime and what more could be better than a father’s day gift basket? You can buy a gift basket or make one of your own keeping in mind his interests and likings. You can buy a basket easily available in the crafts store and then fill it with the gifts and decorate it with fillers so that when your father receives it, he gets immense pleasure.
Now, analyze what your father likes to do in spare time for example if he is a book lover you can give him books based upon various topics like fiction and non fiction. If he has an interest in nature, traveling, computers, science or literature you can include books based on the related topics. IF he is a music lover you can choose from a wide variety of music CD’s ranging from pop, jazz, classical, movie songs or you can even go for CD’s that release stress or meditation. For movie lovers, you can collect a set of DVD’s or video CD’s of his favorite movies.
If your father is a gadget lover you can gift him with latest gadgets such as mobile phones, ipods, electronic diary, calling cards, mobile phone covers etc. If your father is still working, you can either gift him an official leather bag or a designer pen. Some general gift items that you can include are photo frames, chocolates, dry fruits or a health guide if he is a sports lover. For fathers who are fashion conscious you can gift him an official neck tie or accessories such as watches, tie pins, sunglasses, wallet but always remember to present something that is more practical and he needs to make his life more pleasurable.
For more information, log on to
13 Things Every First Aid Kit Should Have
Everyone should have a home first aid kit ready to go in case an emergency should arise. If you have small children, being prepared with an up-to-date first aid kit becomes even more important. Keeping a first aid kit within easy reach will provide you with considerable peace of mind. Here’s a handy checklist of the items that your first aid kit should, at a minimum, contain:
1. An Antiseptic (such as Bactine): Cleaning scrapes or wounds is important for preventing infection. If soap and water are not on hand, using an antiseptic will help flush out debris and provide a mild pain relief. Antiseptics may come in cream or spray form. Many, such as bactine, also provide pain relief.
2. Bandaids and gauze pads. Bandaids help treat injuries of all sizes. Your best bet is to buy a large package that comes with a variety of sizes.
For gauze pads, buying larger sizes works best, because you can always cut them down to the size you need. Gauze pads work well for more serious injuries.
3. Scissors. Speaking of cutting, scissors are often overlooked in many first aid kits. Scissors come in handy not just for cutting gauze pads, but for cutting clothing, adhesive tape, and anything other materials or obstructions that may present themselves in an emergency.
4. Ace Bandages. Ace bandages come in handy in a variety of situations, such as sprains and breakages.
5. Instant Cold and Hot Pack. These packs are for one-time use only, so it’s a good idea to stock up your first aid kit with them. They can be applied on sprains, bruises, and bumps to reduce swelling.
6. Adhesive Tape
Adhesive tape can be used to form splits, tape gauze, and secure any other bandages.
7. Tweezers. Like scissors, tweezers are often overlooked, but come often come in handy. They can be used to remove stingers, ingrown hairs, splinters, and hang nails.
8. Latex Gloves. Latex gloves are a helpful addition to any first aid kit. Latex gloves will provide a clean and sanitary way to protect you against bacteria, blood, bodily fluids, and other potential contaminants that you may encounter in an emergency situation.
9. Analgesic. An analgesic is a pain reliever. Include a small bottle of aspirin or ibuprofen to combat headaches, migraines, or pain due to injury.
10. Antibiotic Ointment. A small tube of antibiotic ointment can go a long way. Antibiotic ointment can be used on scrapes, cuts, wounds, and other injuries to prevent infection.
11. Rubbing alcohol and disinfectant. These are helpful for cleaning insect sting bites or for cleaning wounds. Alcohol wipes are particularly convenient to have in your first aid kit because they don’t take up much space.
12. Antihistamine. In the case that someone may suffer from severe allergies, having some sort of antihistamine on hand is a good idea.
13. A list of emergency phone numbers. Keep an index card with the numbers of your doctor, the national poison center, and all other emergency contacts. Also, it’s a good idea to write down the name of members of your family who have allergies, and any medication they take on a regular basis.
1. An Antiseptic (such as Bactine): Cleaning scrapes or wounds is important for preventing infection. If soap and water are not on hand, using an antiseptic will help flush out debris and provide a mild pain relief. Antiseptics may come in cream or spray form. Many, such as bactine, also provide pain relief.
2. Bandaids and gauze pads. Bandaids help treat injuries of all sizes. Your best bet is to buy a large package that comes with a variety of sizes.
For gauze pads, buying larger sizes works best, because you can always cut them down to the size you need. Gauze pads work well for more serious injuries.
3. Scissors. Speaking of cutting, scissors are often overlooked in many first aid kits. Scissors come in handy not just for cutting gauze pads, but for cutting clothing, adhesive tape, and anything other materials or obstructions that may present themselves in an emergency.
4. Ace Bandages. Ace bandages come in handy in a variety of situations, such as sprains and breakages.
5. Instant Cold and Hot Pack. These packs are for one-time use only, so it’s a good idea to stock up your first aid kit with them. They can be applied on sprains, bruises, and bumps to reduce swelling.
6. Adhesive Tape
Adhesive tape can be used to form splits, tape gauze, and secure any other bandages.
7. Tweezers. Like scissors, tweezers are often overlooked, but come often come in handy. They can be used to remove stingers, ingrown hairs, splinters, and hang nails.
8. Latex Gloves. Latex gloves are a helpful addition to any first aid kit. Latex gloves will provide a clean and sanitary way to protect you against bacteria, blood, bodily fluids, and other potential contaminants that you may encounter in an emergency situation.
9. Analgesic. An analgesic is a pain reliever. Include a small bottle of aspirin or ibuprofen to combat headaches, migraines, or pain due to injury.
10. Antibiotic Ointment. A small tube of antibiotic ointment can go a long way. Antibiotic ointment can be used on scrapes, cuts, wounds, and other injuries to prevent infection.
11. Rubbing alcohol and disinfectant. These are helpful for cleaning insect sting bites or for cleaning wounds. Alcohol wipes are particularly convenient to have in your first aid kit because they don’t take up much space.
12. Antihistamine. In the case that someone may suffer from severe allergies, having some sort of antihistamine on hand is a good idea.
13. A list of emergency phone numbers. Keep an index card with the numbers of your doctor, the national poison center, and all other emergency contacts. Also, it’s a good idea to write down the name of members of your family who have allergies, and any medication they take on a regular basis.
Monday, March 22, 2010
What would you put in your gift basket?
There are many occasions when a gift basket is a present that will be cherished and appreciated, even though it is not something people often think of.
For many, the occasion that most brings to mind baskets is Easter. Easter baskets are generally full of eggs – either real hens’ eggs or chocolate eggs – and are sometimes accompanied by a bunch of Easter flowers. Taking your Easter eggs out from their cardboard packaging and putting them in a basket instead is a nice, traditional way to celebrate the Easter festival.
Christmas is the other big time of year for baskets, and this time they are full of rich Christmas foods, such as Christmas pudding and cake. If you make or buy a Christmas basket, be careful not to overdo it – the food is so rich that if you fill the basket right up, you might not even manage to eat all the food before it expires!
Harvest season is another big time for baskets, as they can be filled with fruit and veg that you’ve grown yourself and presented to your friends and neighbours as presents. It’s a fun way to make friends with the whole town.
Anniversaries and birthdays can be nicely celebrated with more personal baskets, such as baskets full of wine or flowers. A florist will be able to choose nice flowers to put in a basket for you, and some wine comes pre-delivered in gift baskets anyway – you could even mix the two.
Another thing to try is to package completely normal presents in baskets, just as you would with a gift box or wrapping paper. This way the recipient gets a basket as an extra present, and will be surprised that whatever’s in the basket isn’t what a basket usually contains – it could be a great surprise to take the DVD box-set your girlfriend’s been wanting and put it in a basket!
12 Essential tips to add to your moving check list
Moving means umpteen things to be done –it is not about just putting things into boxes, taking them to another place, and unpacking there. The more complicated our lives get the more the things to be done before and after moving.
To make life easier and less complicated, use a “moving checklist.” This will help you move efficiently and methodically.
The first thing is to write down simple facts about your destination—what kind of weather, climatic changes, urban or rural, water potability, infrastructure in new home, size of home, colors of walls, rules made by landlord in case it is a rented home—some landlords specify no nails on walls.
A typical check list will have:
• Inventory of goods—perishable, breakable, unbreakable. A room-wise inventory is recommended. Also a box containing “first day needs” marked load last, unpack first.
• A file containing essentials like house documents, insurance papers, packing lists, bills to be settled, travel tickets, keys to new home, and bills to be settled.
• A must do list to remind you to:
o Arrange transfer of school records.
o Pay utility and other pending bills.
o Transfer bank accounts.
o Turn off phone, heat, electricity, and gas connections.
o Disconnect television and Internet cables.
• A list of “to be done” --- post office notification; insurance for valuables, health checks and medications; buying travelers cheques ; closing club, gym, and library memberships; canceling newspapers and magazine subscriptions; returning any borrowed things; finding new homes for pets and plants; confirming travel plans.
• Pack a travel kit containing cheque books, credit cards, personal phone book, I-pod, identity card, flashlight, keys to new home, toiletries, change of clothes, emergency medications, food, towels, alarm clock, games for kids, hat, and windcheater.
• List of items to be sold/placed in storage. List of things to be repaired, replaced, painted, or refurbished.
• List of legal papers and keys to be handed over to the landlord or new owner of your home.
• A folder containing details of movers, truck number, drivers ID and cell number, as well as addresses and phone numbers of their office at the destination and call center or tracking center. An envelope containing cash or cheque to settle the mover’s bills.
• Arrangements to be made in your new home before you arrive: a working phone, installing utilities like gas, electricity, and heat, putting in cable for the television as well as internet, turning on the water supply, getting the painting as well as any other alterations or repairs done before the trucks arrive.
• Ready to use folder containing, birth certificates, school records, medical records, dental records, transfer papers, and anything else required to enroll them in the new school.
• A bare necessities box marked No 1, containing: toilet paper, towels, soap, shampoo, bath towels, paper towels, insecticide, cereal, dehydrated milk, coffee, and other must haves.
• A “new home” must do list: validate your car papers and drivers license, renew or get new insurance, put all legal papers in order (check applicable laws), make a list of emergency numbers: hospital, police station, social services, fire station, doctor’s clinic, and vet.
Be well prepared to move, make a list that pertains to you personally. If you are well organized the move will go smoothly.
To make life easier and less complicated, use a “moving checklist.” This will help you move efficiently and methodically.
The first thing is to write down simple facts about your destination—what kind of weather, climatic changes, urban or rural, water potability, infrastructure in new home, size of home, colors of walls, rules made by landlord in case it is a rented home—some landlords specify no nails on walls.
A typical check list will have:
• Inventory of goods—perishable, breakable, unbreakable. A room-wise inventory is recommended. Also a box containing “first day needs” marked load last, unpack first.
• A file containing essentials like house documents, insurance papers, packing lists, bills to be settled, travel tickets, keys to new home, and bills to be settled.
• A must do list to remind you to:
o Arrange transfer of school records.
o Pay utility and other pending bills.
o Transfer bank accounts.
o Turn off phone, heat, electricity, and gas connections.
o Disconnect television and Internet cables.
• A list of “to be done” --- post office notification; insurance for valuables, health checks and medications; buying travelers cheques ; closing club, gym, and library memberships; canceling newspapers and magazine subscriptions; returning any borrowed things; finding new homes for pets and plants; confirming travel plans.
• Pack a travel kit containing cheque books, credit cards, personal phone book, I-pod, identity card, flashlight, keys to new home, toiletries, change of clothes, emergency medications, food, towels, alarm clock, games for kids, hat, and windcheater.
• List of items to be sold/placed in storage. List of things to be repaired, replaced, painted, or refurbished.
• List of legal papers and keys to be handed over to the landlord or new owner of your home.
• A folder containing details of movers, truck number, drivers ID and cell number, as well as addresses and phone numbers of their office at the destination and call center or tracking center. An envelope containing cash or cheque to settle the mover’s bills.
• Arrangements to be made in your new home before you arrive: a working phone, installing utilities like gas, electricity, and heat, putting in cable for the television as well as internet, turning on the water supply, getting the painting as well as any other alterations or repairs done before the trucks arrive.
• Ready to use folder containing, birth certificates, school records, medical records, dental records, transfer papers, and anything else required to enroll them in the new school.
• A bare necessities box marked No 1, containing: toilet paper, towels, soap, shampoo, bath towels, paper towels, insecticide, cereal, dehydrated milk, coffee, and other must haves.
• A “new home” must do list: validate your car papers and drivers license, renew or get new insurance, put all legal papers in order (check applicable laws), make a list of emergency numbers: hospital, police station, social services, fire station, doctor’s clinic, and vet.
Be well prepared to move, make a list that pertains to you personally. If you are well organized the move will go smoothly.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tips for Shipping Bulky Items With Ease
If you're planning a move, packing is probably the one thing you're not looking forward to. So, you rent a truck or call a moving company and the problem is solved.
However, if what you really want to do is ship an overstuffed sofa to your son at college or a priceless oil painting to your mother across country, the solutions aren't as obvious.
How do you begin to figure out the best way to handle, pack and transport objects that require a little extra care? Since most damage occurs during handling and movement, the best advice would be to leave it to a professional who will carefully consider the needs of the object, as well as the type of move.
Not every packing situation requires the same method. The packing of larger objects, like a bulky couch, is complicated because of size and shape. A valuable painting may need special wrapping to preserve its color and beauty.
If you plan on doing it yourself, here are some common sense suggestions to safeguard your belongings from the rigors of transit.
* Wrap. To prevent scratches, discoloration, water damage and dirt, you should always protect the surface of your valuables. Use bubble wrap, nonacidic paper for artwork or a clean cloth that won't scrape the surface.
* Absorb. Shock and vibration absorption is important to keep pieces from breaking. Use a cushion material like foam or rubber as the second layer of packaging.
* Protect. The outer layer of the package should be a hard, puncture-resistant surface like plywood.
However, unless you're a skilled carpenter, building an appropriate plywood crate is likely to be beyond your abilities.
One company makes it easy for people to feel assured their belongings are protected. Pak Mail specializes in large-item packing and shipping - any size, any weight, any configuration.
This full-service mailing and resource center has a network of reliable surface and air carriers from which to choose. Pak Mail will also pick up your items and will customize packing crates to fit your valuables.
Items shipped by Pak Mail stores across the country and overseas include a motorized hand glider, a grandfather clock, a Mercedes Benz roof, an X-ray machine, a life raft and even an original Pablo Picasso painting.
The Ties That Bind Us Together
The bestselling author and humorist Erma Bombeck perfectly defined the concept of a family when she wrote: “We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.”
Perhaps the common answer to the question, “What is a happy family?” can be answered in six words: nice home, enough money, good relationships. Some would say that even if troubles come, the family always stays together to face life as a “team.” The importance of the family simply cannot be overstated. The family is where we find historical roots, a sense of comfort and security, acceptance, love, and mutual support.
But the reality is that not all families turn out to be happy and everyone has a family waiting for them at home. Many families experience heartbreak and break-ups, leaving the married couple and their children in a state of depression. Aside from separation and divorce, many families also struggle with other problems like the death of a loved one, financial difficulties, and parent-child conflicts.
Having a family problem is one of the most difficult experiences in life. When a person loses the intense love, trust, and all the things in between --- all hope crumbles and emotional darkness sets in. Dealing with such an ordeal can be especially hard for someone who is prone to lose emotionally control and stability.
Individuals with depression is a mental condition that makes a person feels no energy at all. They are deprived of being in a state of “happiness.” When dealing with depression, one cannot concentrate on their everyday activities. Often, they are psychologically paralyzed by their family problems. Inside the family, depression becomes the pervading atmosphere as problems mount and resolution of these problems seem far from coming. Seeing one family member saddled by depression can make them feel depressed in some way too.
Managing depression within a family can be a really tough undertaking. In many cases, people with depression may need outside help. When dealing with depression, the family's first priority is to fully stop whatever depressive thoughts that one family member might have. Some families solve this kind of ordeal through open communication. It is important for each member to know each other's responsibilities, activities, and issues that concern other family members. Being open to one another will open a window of familiarity, sense of understanding, and love. Still, others need help that can only be had through family counseling.
Counseling is crucial for families that are experiencing relational, psychological, and financial difficulties. It is essential to be open and share all the issues that the family is having so that the counselor can provide meaningful ideas and suggestions on how to the depressed or troubled family can cope with their problems and eventually regain their sense of happiness and fulfillment.
10 Tips To Reduce Your Exposure And Prevent Identity Theft
Identity theft is the country's fastest-growing financial crime. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that 27.3 million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the past 5 years, including 9.9 million people last year alone. Some ways to prevent becoming a victim could include avoid using credit cards or debit cards, stop filling out more credit applications, and cancel all of your credit cards. But the fact is that most exposure to identity theft is beyond your control, because there is still enough information about you and your finances floating around out there for identity thieves to put their hands on. Here are some tips to reduce your exposure and prevent identity theft:
1 - Make It As Difficult As Possible For The Thief.
Most Identity thieves aren't dedicated, but opportunistic creatures. If they come across any difficulty in getting your information, they will move on to the next potential victim. Keep your documents under lock and key. Don’t make it easy for a repairman or a guest in your house to walk off with your checkbook or some of your important files. Don’t fool yourself, you don't have to be rich or have a high credit score to have your identity stolen. Some identity thieves say that middle-class folks make the best targets, because they pay less attention to their finances than wealthy individuals.
2- Monitor Your Credit Report Constantly.
The first hint that you might have become a victim is a suspicious entry on your credit report. Experts recommend that you review your credit report twice a year or more.
3 - Buy a Paper Shredder.
Papers and documents that include personal financial information or your social security number must be shredded before is sent to the trash.
4 - Ask About Business Shredding Policies.
When required to give personal financial information, ask if the business has a shredding policy in place. Financial institutions, tax preparers, and companies with medical information should all be able to shred copies of your documents or have you come and pick them up, so you can do it yourself.
5 - Don’t Give Out Your Social Security Number.
Only Employers, IRS, DMV, Social Security Administration and certain Financial Institutions and Insurers that use your SSN to run credit checks to determine your premiums should be allowed to have this nine-digit number. When asked for your SSN as proof that you are who you say you are, give them only the last four digits.
6 - Protect Your Incoming and Outgoing Mail.
Get a Locking Mailbox. Many identity thieves simply follow the mail man around and grab what they can from unprotected mailboxes. Consider using the nearest post office to send all your mail, rather than leaving it out where anyone can take it. Or sign up for a secure online bill-paying service.
7 - Always Keep an Eye on Your Debit Card.
Just like a credit card, your ATM card can be used without punching in a personal identification number. The banks won’t hold you responsible for fraud using VISA or MasterCard logo cards but a thief can quickly empty your bank account and could be days until the bank can restore the stolen cash. Use a credit card when paying a restaurant bill or anywhere you won’t be able to monitor the actual transaction.
8 - Be Wary of Phone Solicitors and E-mails.
Don’t give out sensitive information by phone or email to requests purporting to be from financial institutions, unless you initiated contact or really thrust the institution. Criminals are using a technique called “phishing,” which uses an email claiming to be from your Bank and that redirects you to a look-alike website where you are asked to input your account numbers. When contacted this way, do not reply to the email and only call the Bank’s 1-800 number from your statement for communication.
9 - Monitor Your Social Security Statements.
Make sure you are being credited for all the taxes you have paid into the system. Missing earnings or earnings that are not yours can be an indication of fraud. Call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 if there are any discrepancies.
10 - Carry Only the Necessary in Your Wallet.
Do not carry your Social Security Number in your wallet and only a few credit and debit cards should be in it. In case you have your wallet stolen, grab your cell or the nearest phone immediately and call to cancel your most important credit cards such as 1-800-VISA911 and 1-800-MASTERCARD. Also, make a photocopy of all your cards and your driver’s license. This will make it easier to report the thefts and get them replaced.
1 - Make It As Difficult As Possible For The Thief.
Most Identity thieves aren't dedicated, but opportunistic creatures. If they come across any difficulty in getting your information, they will move on to the next potential victim. Keep your documents under lock and key. Don’t make it easy for a repairman or a guest in your house to walk off with your checkbook or some of your important files. Don’t fool yourself, you don't have to be rich or have a high credit score to have your identity stolen. Some identity thieves say that middle-class folks make the best targets, because they pay less attention to their finances than wealthy individuals.
2- Monitor Your Credit Report Constantly.
The first hint that you might have become a victim is a suspicious entry on your credit report. Experts recommend that you review your credit report twice a year or more.
3 - Buy a Paper Shredder.
Papers and documents that include personal financial information or your social security number must be shredded before is sent to the trash.
4 - Ask About Business Shredding Policies.
When required to give personal financial information, ask if the business has a shredding policy in place. Financial institutions, tax preparers, and companies with medical information should all be able to shred copies of your documents or have you come and pick them up, so you can do it yourself.
5 - Don’t Give Out Your Social Security Number.
Only Employers, IRS, DMV, Social Security Administration and certain Financial Institutions and Insurers that use your SSN to run credit checks to determine your premiums should be allowed to have this nine-digit number. When asked for your SSN as proof that you are who you say you are, give them only the last four digits.
6 - Protect Your Incoming and Outgoing Mail.
Get a Locking Mailbox. Many identity thieves simply follow the mail man around and grab what they can from unprotected mailboxes. Consider using the nearest post office to send all your mail, rather than leaving it out where anyone can take it. Or sign up for a secure online bill-paying service.
7 - Always Keep an Eye on Your Debit Card.
Just like a credit card, your ATM card can be used without punching in a personal identification number. The banks won’t hold you responsible for fraud using VISA or MasterCard logo cards but a thief can quickly empty your bank account and could be days until the bank can restore the stolen cash. Use a credit card when paying a restaurant bill or anywhere you won’t be able to monitor the actual transaction.
8 - Be Wary of Phone Solicitors and E-mails.
Don’t give out sensitive information by phone or email to requests purporting to be from financial institutions, unless you initiated contact or really thrust the institution. Criminals are using a technique called “phishing,” which uses an email claiming to be from your Bank and that redirects you to a look-alike website where you are asked to input your account numbers. When contacted this way, do not reply to the email and only call the Bank’s 1-800 number from your statement for communication.
9 - Monitor Your Social Security Statements.
Make sure you are being credited for all the taxes you have paid into the system. Missing earnings or earnings that are not yours can be an indication of fraud. Call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 if there are any discrepancies.
10 - Carry Only the Necessary in Your Wallet.
Do not carry your Social Security Number in your wallet and only a few credit and debit cards should be in it. In case you have your wallet stolen, grab your cell or the nearest phone immediately and call to cancel your most important credit cards such as 1-800-VISA911 and 1-800-MASTERCARD. Also, make a photocopy of all your cards and your driver’s license. This will make it easier to report the thefts and get them replaced.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
10 Steps to Save on your Summer Energy Bill
Saving money on our summer energy bill is not only great for the family budget, but is also beneficial to the community. It takes only a few simple steps to cut your energy bill by as much as 20%-50%.
Saving energy doesn't have to be as painful as sunburn, nor does it have to cost much money or time. It has more to do with changing a few energy-wasting habits. And where costs are involved - such as having your cooling system checked annually by a professional - the expense can be offset by making your system more efficient and longer-lasting.
1.) Close draperies or shades during the day to block the sun.
2.) Keep cool air in by installing insulation and weather stripping.
3.) Cook on the grill to keep cooking heat outside. When using the stove, vent heat outside with a range hood.
4.) Use a microwave instead of an oven. Microwaves use less than half the power of a conventional oven and cook food in about one-fourth the time.
5.) Use the air-dry feature on dishwashers.
6.) Service air conditioners annually and change the filter regularly. Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home, and turn air conditioners off when no one is home.
7.) Use cold water rather than hot when doing laundry. You will save about 85% of the energy it takes to wash clothes.
8.) Use washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers after 7pm when energy costs are lower in most places.
9.) Save energy by using the fast rather than slow spinning cycle when drying clothes, since the fast cycle removes more water.
10.) Switch to fluorescent lights that use on-third of the energy than incandescent lights.
Remember that appliances account for about 20% of your household's energy consumption. A new energy-efficient refrigerator could save from $35 to $70 a year compared to models of 15 years ago. This amounts to between $525 and $1,050 during the average 15-year life of the unit.
Remind your family of the steps, and implement them into your life.
Saving energy doesn't have to be as painful as sunburn, nor does it have to cost much money or time. It has more to do with changing a few energy-wasting habits. And where costs are involved - such as having your cooling system checked annually by a professional - the expense can be offset by making your system more efficient and longer-lasting.
1.) Close draperies or shades during the day to block the sun.
2.) Keep cool air in by installing insulation and weather stripping.
3.) Cook on the grill to keep cooking heat outside. When using the stove, vent heat outside with a range hood.
4.) Use a microwave instead of an oven. Microwaves use less than half the power of a conventional oven and cook food in about one-fourth the time.
5.) Use the air-dry feature on dishwashers.
6.) Service air conditioners annually and change the filter regularly. Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home, and turn air conditioners off when no one is home.
7.) Use cold water rather than hot when doing laundry. You will save about 85% of the energy it takes to wash clothes.
8.) Use washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers after 7pm when energy costs are lower in most places.
9.) Save energy by using the fast rather than slow spinning cycle when drying clothes, since the fast cycle removes more water.
10.) Switch to fluorescent lights that use on-third of the energy than incandescent lights.
Remember that appliances account for about 20% of your household's energy consumption. A new energy-efficient refrigerator could save from $35 to $70 a year compared to models of 15 years ago. This amounts to between $525 and $1,050 during the average 15-year life of the unit.
Remind your family of the steps, and implement them into your life.
Friday, March 19, 2010
10 Steps For Cooking-Up Family Memories
The kitchen is the perfect place for making memories. When you spend time baking, cooking and enjoying meals with your family, you create happy memories you and your children will cherish forever.
The benefits of preparing and enjoying food as a family are clear. You save money and eat healthier meals. You create opportunities to connect and communicate with your children and spouse. And most importantly, you show love for your family when you spend time cooking and eating with them. Children of all ages need your attention and your time. By working together to create a meal or bake a batch of cookies, you spend valuable time together.
So, here are 10 steps to get your family cooking up memories.
Step 1:
Teach small children the fun of cooking by helping them bake cookies and cakes. If you are short on time, you can use a boxed cookie mix and spend more time decorating.
Step 2:
Encourage the littlest ones to play pretend cooking. Kids love to play with real mixing bowls, strainers and wooden spoons. These make harmless toys and can be easily thrown in the dishwasher for quick cleanup.
Step 3:
If you live by your day-timer, schedule in baking cookies with your kids. Our schedules can be so hectic that something as simple as baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies can get skipped over. Write it down and do it.
Step 4:
If you have teenagers, let them play their favorite music while they wash the lettuce and set the table.
Step 5:
Work together with your spouse to prepare the dinner and use the time to catch up on each other's day.
Step 6:
Even if you are in a rush preparing dinner, remember to reduce your stress and focus on creating a fun atmosphere that naturally encourages the whole family to participate.
Step 7:
When spending time preparing food with your children, include lessons about healthy eating choices. Keep the conversation positive and avoid listing foods they can't have.
Step 8:
On days where you anticipate time will be tight, consider taking a short cut by using a frozen stir-fry mix or pasta with a jar of pre-made sauce. Your family will appreciate your relaxed mood much more than a made-from-scratch dinner.
Step 9:
Share the job of grocery shopping. One week have mom take one of the children as a helper, the next week dad can go with another child. Always work from a grocery list and let your children help you retrieve items and cross them off the list.
Step 10:
Have big family meals where you share about your day. Keep the conversation fun and avoid negative lectures over dinner. Remember to laugh.
Take these steps today and make your kitchen a fun and memorable place for your whole family.
The benefits of preparing and enjoying food as a family are clear. You save money and eat healthier meals. You create opportunities to connect and communicate with your children and spouse. And most importantly, you show love for your family when you spend time cooking and eating with them. Children of all ages need your attention and your time. By working together to create a meal or bake a batch of cookies, you spend valuable time together.
So, here are 10 steps to get your family cooking up memories.
Step 1:
Teach small children the fun of cooking by helping them bake cookies and cakes. If you are short on time, you can use a boxed cookie mix and spend more time decorating.
Step 2:
Encourage the littlest ones to play pretend cooking. Kids love to play with real mixing bowls, strainers and wooden spoons. These make harmless toys and can be easily thrown in the dishwasher for quick cleanup.
Step 3:
If you live by your day-timer, schedule in baking cookies with your kids. Our schedules can be so hectic that something as simple as baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies can get skipped over. Write it down and do it.
Step 4:
If you have teenagers, let them play their favorite music while they wash the lettuce and set the table.
Step 5:
Work together with your spouse to prepare the dinner and use the time to catch up on each other's day.
Step 6:
Even if you are in a rush preparing dinner, remember to reduce your stress and focus on creating a fun atmosphere that naturally encourages the whole family to participate.
Step 7:
When spending time preparing food with your children, include lessons about healthy eating choices. Keep the conversation positive and avoid listing foods they can't have.
Step 8:
On days where you anticipate time will be tight, consider taking a short cut by using a frozen stir-fry mix or pasta with a jar of pre-made sauce. Your family will appreciate your relaxed mood much more than a made-from-scratch dinner.
Step 9:
Share the job of grocery shopping. One week have mom take one of the children as a helper, the next week dad can go with another child. Always work from a grocery list and let your children help you retrieve items and cross them off the list.
Step 10:
Have big family meals where you share about your day. Keep the conversation fun and avoid negative lectures over dinner. Remember to laugh.
Take these steps today and make your kitchen a fun and memorable place for your whole family.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
10 Relocation Tips To Keep Yourself Centered When Your World Is Spinning
Ten tips for happy relocation (across town and around the world)
Relocation is stressful because you change more than your address. You'll begin to navigate a new way to be a spouse, parent, friend, lover, choir member, PTA officer, and more.
Here are ten tips to a help you tune in to your inner compass when your world is spinning.
1. Ask, "Who am I? What do I need to be happy?"
The secret to a successful move depends on how you answer the question, "Can I still be me?”
To answer this question, write ten “I am” statements about yourself -- anything from “I am a mother” to “I am a dog-owner” to “I am friendly and outgoing.”
Before you move, ask yourself, “How will this list change after I move?” You may still be a dog-owner and a dad...but will you create these roles the same way?
2. Take a test drive.
When you buy a car, you don't just go around the block. You try the freeways and the rough roads.
Considering a move to Seattle or Syracuse? Study the culture as if you were an anthropologist. What do people do? How do they dress? How do they talk to each other?
Most important, how do you feel? Did you develop new allergies, headaches or back pain during your visit? Or did you find yourself wishing you cold stay forever?
3. Pack an emotional first aid kit.
Most hikers pack a first aid kit with sunblock, band-aids, and insect repellent.
For relocation you can pack
Coping phrases to repeat when you feel frazzled:
"Let go and relax."
"I can deal with this."
"I face the future with confidence."
Tapes of meditation and visualization (for unexpected bouts of anxiety)
Favorite photos of friends, family, places and pets (so you remember who you are)
Phone numbers of trusted confidantes (for moments when you really need to hear a familiar voice)
4. Develop ceremonies to honor your new life.
As you unpack boxes or begin a new assignment, play your favorite music and enjoy your favorite foods. Arrange one room -or one corner of the room-to look familiar. Some people create a special ritual of settling in to make the new life their own.
5. Plan for downtime.
For the first few months you'll probably have gaps in your calendar. Maybe you had a standing dinner date with the neighbors on Wednesdays. You held office in civic organizations and you took classes.
Plan to fill downtime with meaningful projects. I recommend taking on a challenging creativity project. Write a novel. Complete a painting. Join a dance group.
And I would add a physical activity, anything from weight-lifting at the gym to running marathons to walking the dog extra times.
When you nurture yourself, you communicate strength and confidence to others. If you are seen as vulnerable and needy, you will attract negative people and negative experiences.
6. Take your time as you make new commitments.
Most newcomers need two to five years to make lasting friends. During your first six months, avoid joining organizations (let alone running for office). Sign up for short-term options so you can test the waters.
You won't know the hidden dimensions of joining. Once I eagerly joined a group, only to learn that their meetings were held in out-of-the-way places - and that's where most members lived! A huge waste of time and dues.
7. Celebrate everyday life. Think small. A walk around the lake. A perfect cup of coffee in a nearby coffee shop. A friendly face at the trade show. Listen for the moments when you say, “I could get used to this...”
No matter what happens, you will find at least one pocket of joy in your new life...usually something wonderful you never anticipated.
Relocation is stressful because you change more than your address. You'll begin to navigate a new way to be a spouse, parent, friend, lover, choir member, PTA officer, and more.
Here are ten tips to a help you tune in to your inner compass when your world is spinning.
1. Ask, "Who am I? What do I need to be happy?"
The secret to a successful move depends on how you answer the question, "Can I still be me?”
To answer this question, write ten “I am” statements about yourself -- anything from “I am a mother” to “I am a dog-owner” to “I am friendly and outgoing.”
Before you move, ask yourself, “How will this list change after I move?” You may still be a dog-owner and a dad...but will you create these roles the same way?
2. Take a test drive.
When you buy a car, you don't just go around the block. You try the freeways and the rough roads.
Considering a move to Seattle or Syracuse? Study the culture as if you were an anthropologist. What do people do? How do they dress? How do they talk to each other?
Most important, how do you feel? Did you develop new allergies, headaches or back pain during your visit? Or did you find yourself wishing you cold stay forever?
3. Pack an emotional first aid kit.
Most hikers pack a first aid kit with sunblock, band-aids, and insect repellent.
For relocation you can pack
Coping phrases to repeat when you feel frazzled:
"Let go and relax."
"I can deal with this."
"I face the future with confidence."
Tapes of meditation and visualization (for unexpected bouts of anxiety)
Favorite photos of friends, family, places and pets (so you remember who you are)
Phone numbers of trusted confidantes (for moments when you really need to hear a familiar voice)
4. Develop ceremonies to honor your new life.
As you unpack boxes or begin a new assignment, play your favorite music and enjoy your favorite foods. Arrange one room -or one corner of the room-to look familiar. Some people create a special ritual of settling in to make the new life their own.
5. Plan for downtime.
For the first few months you'll probably have gaps in your calendar. Maybe you had a standing dinner date with the neighbors on Wednesdays. You held office in civic organizations and you took classes.
Plan to fill downtime with meaningful projects. I recommend taking on a challenging creativity project. Write a novel. Complete a painting. Join a dance group.
And I would add a physical activity, anything from weight-lifting at the gym to running marathons to walking the dog extra times.
When you nurture yourself, you communicate strength and confidence to others. If you are seen as vulnerable and needy, you will attract negative people and negative experiences.
6. Take your time as you make new commitments.
Most newcomers need two to five years to make lasting friends. During your first six months, avoid joining organizations (let alone running for office). Sign up for short-term options so you can test the waters.
You won't know the hidden dimensions of joining. Once I eagerly joined a group, only to learn that their meetings were held in out-of-the-way places - and that's where most members lived! A huge waste of time and dues.
7. Celebrate everyday life. Think small. A walk around the lake. A perfect cup of coffee in a nearby coffee shop. A friendly face at the trade show. Listen for the moments when you say, “I could get used to this...”
No matter what happens, you will find at least one pocket of joy in your new life...usually something wonderful you never anticipated.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
10 Life Saving Tips for Surviving an Impending Bird Flu Pandemic
A new killer flu virus is on its way. Ducks and geese carrying this virus are now winging their way across the globe, spreading the disease wherever they go. Started in Asia, it has now spread to Europe. Soon it will be in North and South America.
So far it has only killed a few dozen humans. It is, after all, a virus that’s passed from bird to bird. Or from bird to animals. So far it can’t be transmitted from human to human. But flu viruses are crafty. They have the ability to change. This is what happened in 1918 when the Spanish Flu Pandemic swept over a war weary planet killing 50 – 100 million people – far more than were killed in the war.
This time it will be much worse. After all, we now have 4 times the number of people living on the planet. And most of them live in cities. Large, crowded cities. The five largest cities in the world have over 100 million people living in them. A killer virus that can be passed from human to human, let loose in our major cities where people are living elbow to elbow, would have a catastrophic effect.
And consider this…back in 1918 it was a much bigger world. It took weeks to get from one side of the world to the other. It took days to get from one side of the continent to the next. Today it takes hours. Last year more than 46 million international visitors came to the United States. If only one infected visitor passes on the virus to 2 others, who pass it on to 2 others, and so on, by the end of a month everyone in the US could be infected.
I don’t even want to consider the implications if this idea ever occurs to muslim terrorists who are only too happy to blow themselves to bits in order to take out a few infidels.
So what can we do?
Fortunately it’s not all doom and gloom. There are some very specific steps you can take to minimize the dangers and protect yourself and your loved ones.
1. Draw up a Plan. Outline the steps you and your family need to take, both pre-pandemic and during. Identify responsibilities for each family member. Make lists of supplies required. Find appropriate sources. Develop a realistic timeline. By establishing a plan now, you will avoid becoming a victim of the panic that will grip the general population, resulting in civil chaos and pandemonium.
2. Keep Informed. If and when the virus mutates so that it is being spread from human to human, it is likely to start in Southeast Asia. Pay attention to the news. When you hear that this has taken place, it's time to act. We might only have weeks before the pandemic reaches North America, but with international travel so fast and easy it could be much sooner. Sign up for free newsletter notifications at .
3. Prepare Your Child for Home Schooling. Most flu outbreaks get their start at schools. You can be certain that the schools will be closed. And if they're not, you should give very serious thought to keeping your children at home.
4. Minimize Contact with Others. The H5N1 avian flu virus can be transmitted for two days before a person is showing any symptoms and for a week after symptoms have disappeared. You never know who isn't and who might be infected. If possible you should stay home. Every time you go into an area where there are people you are at risk.
5. Wash Your Hands Often. Sneeze particles can travel across a room at 600 miles per hour. If the person sneezing has the flu, everything in that room is covered with flu virus. And when you touch anything, the virus is transmitted to your hand. Eventually it will be transmitted to your mouth. Your only protection is to wash your hands, well and often. Each washing should involve vigorous scrubbing with soap for at least 20 seconds.
6. Stock up on Food & Water. Supermarkets only have enough food for about a week or less. It's critical that you stock up on enough food to last you for the duration which could be 3-4 months.
7. Buy Enough Anti-Viral Medication for Every Member of your Family. Currently there are two drugs that can help mitigate the effects of the avian flu virus. One is called oseltamivir, or Tamiflu. It comes in a tablet form. The other is zanamivir, or Relenza, which is inhaled. You will need a prescription for either of these drugs. They should be taken within 2 days of the onset of symptoms and taken twice a day for 5 days. These drugs are in very short supply, especially Tamiflu which is considered the drug of first choice. You should attempt to secure enough for your family as soon as possible, since once a pandemic hits they will be impossible to obtain. Currently you should be able to buy them at your drug store, or you can order them online.
8. Stock up on Face Masks. You will need to wear these when you absolutely have to come into close contact with others. It's likely that any public businesses or government offices that remain open will make it mandatory that you wear a mask before entering. Make sure that your mask has a rating of N100. The more common N95 masks will not give you enough protection.
There is one mask -- the NanoMask® -- which not only blocks the H5N1 virus, but kills it as well.
9. Exercise. According to the American Council on Exercise, research has shown that moderate exercise (such as brisk walking) brings about measurable changes in the immune system, sending white blood cells zipping around the body to find intruders and kill them. But after a few hours, the immune system returns to normal so it’s best to exercise regularly.
10. Spread the Word. Regardless of how much coverage the avian threat is receiving in the media, most people are reluctant to act. Perhaps if they don't acknowledge the danger they think it will somehow go away. Or maybe they think the government will look after the situation.
Desperate, panic stricken people are arguably even more dangerous than the virus. The more people surrounding you who are prepared for the pandemic, the safer you will be. You'll be secure in the knowledge that your neighbors won't be eyeing your resources. So please spread the word. And don't give up, even though you may feel like the voice in the wilderness. Eventually, if they hear it often enough, some people will take notice. And then they will also spread the word. And in this way we'll all be a little safer.
"Up to one billion people could die around the whole world in six months.... We are half a step away from a worldwide pandemic catastrophe." Dmitry K. Lvov, Director, D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Whether or not it will happen this year, and whether or not it will be as catastrophic as many virologists are predicting, one thing is clear: There WILL be a pandemic of unimaginable proportions some time soon.
We can either bury our heads in the sand and hope it won't happen, or we can begin taking immediate steps to ensure that in a worst case scenario, we've given ourselves and our loved ones the best possible chance for survival.
So far it has only killed a few dozen humans. It is, after all, a virus that’s passed from bird to bird. Or from bird to animals. So far it can’t be transmitted from human to human. But flu viruses are crafty. They have the ability to change. This is what happened in 1918 when the Spanish Flu Pandemic swept over a war weary planet killing 50 – 100 million people – far more than were killed in the war.
This time it will be much worse. After all, we now have 4 times the number of people living on the planet. And most of them live in cities. Large, crowded cities. The five largest cities in the world have over 100 million people living in them. A killer virus that can be passed from human to human, let loose in our major cities where people are living elbow to elbow, would have a catastrophic effect.
And consider this…back in 1918 it was a much bigger world. It took weeks to get from one side of the world to the other. It took days to get from one side of the continent to the next. Today it takes hours. Last year more than 46 million international visitors came to the United States. If only one infected visitor passes on the virus to 2 others, who pass it on to 2 others, and so on, by the end of a month everyone in the US could be infected.
I don’t even want to consider the implications if this idea ever occurs to muslim terrorists who are only too happy to blow themselves to bits in order to take out a few infidels.
So what can we do?
Fortunately it’s not all doom and gloom. There are some very specific steps you can take to minimize the dangers and protect yourself and your loved ones.
1. Draw up a Plan. Outline the steps you and your family need to take, both pre-pandemic and during. Identify responsibilities for each family member. Make lists of supplies required. Find appropriate sources. Develop a realistic timeline. By establishing a plan now, you will avoid becoming a victim of the panic that will grip the general population, resulting in civil chaos and pandemonium.
2. Keep Informed. If and when the virus mutates so that it is being spread from human to human, it is likely to start in Southeast Asia. Pay attention to the news. When you hear that this has taken place, it's time to act. We might only have weeks before the pandemic reaches North America, but with international travel so fast and easy it could be much sooner. Sign up for free newsletter notifications at .
3. Prepare Your Child for Home Schooling. Most flu outbreaks get their start at schools. You can be certain that the schools will be closed. And if they're not, you should give very serious thought to keeping your children at home.
4. Minimize Contact with Others. The H5N1 avian flu virus can be transmitted for two days before a person is showing any symptoms and for a week after symptoms have disappeared. You never know who isn't and who might be infected. If possible you should stay home. Every time you go into an area where there are people you are at risk.
5. Wash Your Hands Often. Sneeze particles can travel across a room at 600 miles per hour. If the person sneezing has the flu, everything in that room is covered with flu virus. And when you touch anything, the virus is transmitted to your hand. Eventually it will be transmitted to your mouth. Your only protection is to wash your hands, well and often. Each washing should involve vigorous scrubbing with soap for at least 20 seconds.
6. Stock up on Food & Water. Supermarkets only have enough food for about a week or less. It's critical that you stock up on enough food to last you for the duration which could be 3-4 months.
7. Buy Enough Anti-Viral Medication for Every Member of your Family. Currently there are two drugs that can help mitigate the effects of the avian flu virus. One is called oseltamivir, or Tamiflu. It comes in a tablet form. The other is zanamivir, or Relenza, which is inhaled. You will need a prescription for either of these drugs. They should be taken within 2 days of the onset of symptoms and taken twice a day for 5 days. These drugs are in very short supply, especially Tamiflu which is considered the drug of first choice. You should attempt to secure enough for your family as soon as possible, since once a pandemic hits they will be impossible to obtain. Currently you should be able to buy them at your drug store, or you can order them online.
8. Stock up on Face Masks. You will need to wear these when you absolutely have to come into close contact with others. It's likely that any public businesses or government offices that remain open will make it mandatory that you wear a mask before entering. Make sure that your mask has a rating of N100. The more common N95 masks will not give you enough protection.
There is one mask -- the NanoMask® -- which not only blocks the H5N1 virus, but kills it as well.
9. Exercise. According to the American Council on Exercise, research has shown that moderate exercise (such as brisk walking) brings about measurable changes in the immune system, sending white blood cells zipping around the body to find intruders and kill them. But after a few hours, the immune system returns to normal so it’s best to exercise regularly.
10. Spread the Word. Regardless of how much coverage the avian threat is receiving in the media, most people are reluctant to act. Perhaps if they don't acknowledge the danger they think it will somehow go away. Or maybe they think the government will look after the situation.
Desperate, panic stricken people are arguably even more dangerous than the virus. The more people surrounding you who are prepared for the pandemic, the safer you will be. You'll be secure in the knowledge that your neighbors won't be eyeing your resources. So please spread the word. And don't give up, even though you may feel like the voice in the wilderness. Eventually, if they hear it often enough, some people will take notice. And then they will also spread the word. And in this way we'll all be a little safer.
"Up to one billion people could die around the whole world in six months.... We are half a step away from a worldwide pandemic catastrophe." Dmitry K. Lvov, Director, D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Whether or not it will happen this year, and whether or not it will be as catastrophic as many virologists are predicting, one thing is clear: There WILL be a pandemic of unimaginable proportions some time soon.
We can either bury our heads in the sand and hope it won't happen, or we can begin taking immediate steps to ensure that in a worst case scenario, we've given ourselves and our loved ones the best possible chance for survival.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
10 Great Gift Ideas For Mother's Day
Here are a few great gift ideas for that special mother in your life on Mother’s Day.
10. Weekend Getaway. A weekend retreat to a ski lodge could be great for the mom who needs a weekend to unwind.
9. Digital Camera. For the new mom, this makes a great gift. Children grow up so fast, catching those fleeting moments are important. With scrap booking becoming so popular, digital cameras also make a great gift for the scrapbook lover.
8. Charitable Donation. For the mom who never stops giving, she would be honored to know that a donation was given to her favor charity in her name. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
7. Buy a Tree or Star. Have that special mom immortalized for years to come. Have a star named after her or buy a tree in her name. With God’s love that star and tree will be around even if we are not.
6. Night Out. New mothers would surely appreciate a night out of the house with some adult conversation and atmosphere. It's a simple request, yet such a grand gesture for those moms who just want an evening as an adult. This works well with the morning and afternoon spent with the children. That is what Mother's Day is about in the first place.
5. Spa Day. Most mothers I know could use a spa day. Whether her children are at home or have long since moved out, a spa day is great choice. Spa Days range from a whole package of all the goodies like mud baths and lunch or just a half hour of massage
4. Jewelry. A great idea would be give her a pendant with picture of her child/ren in it or a bracelet, ring or necklace with the birthstone/s of children or grandchildren.
3. Gift Baskets. You can find Gift baskets that contain any and everything. There are baskets that are specifically designed for Mother's Day, but other choices include gourmet and fruit baskets, spa bsakets and candle baskets. Many places also make custom baskets.
2. Flowers and Plants. This is the most common of Mother's Day gifts. It’s the obvious choice for that bouquet lover or for a very picky person.
1. The Star Treatment. Being a good mother is the hardest job in the world. Offering that special mom the star treatment for a day is a great gift. Start with allowing her to sleep in. As if that weren't gift enough, breakfast in bed and cleaning the house is just what the mom ordered. Lunch and dinner preparation should be included along with bathing, feeding and dressing the children. Basically don't allow her to left a finger. Supply a good book or time for her to do what she wants. What mother wouldn't want a day to recuperate?
10. Weekend Getaway. A weekend retreat to a ski lodge could be great for the mom who needs a weekend to unwind.
9. Digital Camera. For the new mom, this makes a great gift. Children grow up so fast, catching those fleeting moments are important. With scrap booking becoming so popular, digital cameras also make a great gift for the scrapbook lover.
8. Charitable Donation. For the mom who never stops giving, she would be honored to know that a donation was given to her favor charity in her name. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
7. Buy a Tree or Star. Have that special mom immortalized for years to come. Have a star named after her or buy a tree in her name. With God’s love that star and tree will be around even if we are not.
6. Night Out. New mothers would surely appreciate a night out of the house with some adult conversation and atmosphere. It's a simple request, yet such a grand gesture for those moms who just want an evening as an adult. This works well with the morning and afternoon spent with the children. That is what Mother's Day is about in the first place.
5. Spa Day. Most mothers I know could use a spa day. Whether her children are at home or have long since moved out, a spa day is great choice. Spa Days range from a whole package of all the goodies like mud baths and lunch or just a half hour of massage
4. Jewelry. A great idea would be give her a pendant with picture of her child/ren in it or a bracelet, ring or necklace with the birthstone/s of children or grandchildren.
3. Gift Baskets. You can find Gift baskets that contain any and everything. There are baskets that are specifically designed for Mother's Day, but other choices include gourmet and fruit baskets, spa bsakets and candle baskets. Many places also make custom baskets.
2. Flowers and Plants. This is the most common of Mother's Day gifts. It’s the obvious choice for that bouquet lover or for a very picky person.
1. The Star Treatment. Being a good mother is the hardest job in the world. Offering that special mom the star treatment for a day is a great gift. Start with allowing her to sleep in. As if that weren't gift enough, breakfast in bed and cleaning the house is just what the mom ordered. Lunch and dinner preparation should be included along with bathing, feeding and dressing the children. Basically don't allow her to left a finger. Supply a good book or time for her to do what she wants. What mother wouldn't want a day to recuperate?
Monday, March 15, 2010
10 Fabulous Reasons Why Troubled Youth Need Military School
When it comes to handling troubled teens, the public school system is not that well equipped. More often than not, many parents seek help from military schools in order to educate and discipline their derailed youngsters. Recently, military schools, which seemed to get out of the scene in the late 1960's and early 1970's, have started to be crowded with enrollees steadily.
Nowadays, its hard to make a teen get into a military academy. But why the boom of military school enrollments? Here are the 10 reasons behind this phenomenon:
1. Military Schools Have Become More Choosy
It's not that military schools, boot camps or any military-oriented programs used to be very undiscriminating back then. Only, nowadays, when a teen is overly unruly, a military school is most likely to not admit the youngster. This is because military programs are not leaning towards the forcing of teenagers to "clean up their act" if they, themselves don't really want to.
2. Military Schools Are Now More Geared Towards Imposing Proper Discipline to a Child
Traditionally, military schools are definitely known to be the house of disclinary actions in molding youth. Today, modern and more effective methods have been developed to improve the administration of proper discipline to teenagers. Teens will be subject to strong discipline but this does not entail they will be abused.
3. Military Schools Are Now More Focused in Giving Structure to a Child
The highly structured ambience provided by military schools can help channel the unfocused energies of an adolescent who has not achieved his or her full potential. The structured environment provided by military schools promotes the values of organization and self-management.
4. There are Military Schools that Offer Academics
They offer stringent and modernized academic program for the modern needs of teeners.
5. Military Schools are Tailored to Best Suit the Needs of a Teen
Teens have individual needs that must be met. This is supported by military schools. Through thorough assessment, military-oriented programs can be customized to best serve what each teenager needs. More and more military schools offer education that fits with smaller class sizes. There are those that provide more opportunities to work one on one with teachers and staff.
6. Military Schools Emphasize Fitness
With emphasis on physical fitness, military schools serve the purpose of being useful for teens whose parents consider to be "couch potatoes". Through various sports and other rigorous and yet very beneficial physical activities, definitely they will become more skillful and able-bodied than they used to be.
7. Military Schools Don't Stunt the Social Life of a Teen
In contrary to the dated notion about military schools, positive peer environment exists, which is enforced through honor code. From the very start, a military school is designed to provide a high level of comradeship. With a military school, a social life is possible without the distractions from the outside. This way cadets can do better in and out of the classroom, which leads to their academic success.
8. Military Schools Help Motivate Teens to Become Matured, Responsible Citizens
With a disciplined and structured context that is both physically and emotionally healthy, cadets are motivated to develop self-discipline and also to reach their full potential in every way - physically, intellectually and spiritually.
9. Military Schools Aid in the Moral Molding of Teens and the Learning of Other Important Values
Military-oriented programs are enhanced to provide good values, particularly those that will teach teenagers to have a dignified moral stance. Aside from leadership, discipline, and accountability, what could be more important than being able to inculcate solidarity and respect to a teen, not only for his superiors but also to his equals.
10. Military Schools Provide Other Long-Term Benefits
More benefits are offered to teenagers who came from a military school. Because of the values and skills learned, when teens have experience going through military school, the community is more inclined to giving them better consideration when it comes to employment, e.g., military jobs, and other community activities.
With these reasons, who can go wrong with going to a military school?
Nowadays, its hard to make a teen get into a military academy. But why the boom of military school enrollments? Here are the 10 reasons behind this phenomenon:
1. Military Schools Have Become More Choosy
It's not that military schools, boot camps or any military-oriented programs used to be very undiscriminating back then. Only, nowadays, when a teen is overly unruly, a military school is most likely to not admit the youngster. This is because military programs are not leaning towards the forcing of teenagers to "clean up their act" if they, themselves don't really want to.
2. Military Schools Are Now More Geared Towards Imposing Proper Discipline to a Child
Traditionally, military schools are definitely known to be the house of disclinary actions in molding youth. Today, modern and more effective methods have been developed to improve the administration of proper discipline to teenagers. Teens will be subject to strong discipline but this does not entail they will be abused.
3. Military Schools Are Now More Focused in Giving Structure to a Child
The highly structured ambience provided by military schools can help channel the unfocused energies of an adolescent who has not achieved his or her full potential. The structured environment provided by military schools promotes the values of organization and self-management.
4. There are Military Schools that Offer Academics
They offer stringent and modernized academic program for the modern needs of teeners.
5. Military Schools are Tailored to Best Suit the Needs of a Teen
Teens have individual needs that must be met. This is supported by military schools. Through thorough assessment, military-oriented programs can be customized to best serve what each teenager needs. More and more military schools offer education that fits with smaller class sizes. There are those that provide more opportunities to work one on one with teachers and staff.
6. Military Schools Emphasize Fitness
With emphasis on physical fitness, military schools serve the purpose of being useful for teens whose parents consider to be "couch potatoes". Through various sports and other rigorous and yet very beneficial physical activities, definitely they will become more skillful and able-bodied than they used to be.
7. Military Schools Don't Stunt the Social Life of a Teen
In contrary to the dated notion about military schools, positive peer environment exists, which is enforced through honor code. From the very start, a military school is designed to provide a high level of comradeship. With a military school, a social life is possible without the distractions from the outside. This way cadets can do better in and out of the classroom, which leads to their academic success.
8. Military Schools Help Motivate Teens to Become Matured, Responsible Citizens
With a disciplined and structured context that is both physically and emotionally healthy, cadets are motivated to develop self-discipline and also to reach their full potential in every way - physically, intellectually and spiritually.
9. Military Schools Aid in the Moral Molding of Teens and the Learning of Other Important Values
Military-oriented programs are enhanced to provide good values, particularly those that will teach teenagers to have a dignified moral stance. Aside from leadership, discipline, and accountability, what could be more important than being able to inculcate solidarity and respect to a teen, not only for his superiors but also to his equals.
10. Military Schools Provide Other Long-Term Benefits
More benefits are offered to teenagers who came from a military school. Because of the values and skills learned, when teens have experience going through military school, the community is more inclined to giving them better consideration when it comes to employment, e.g., military jobs, and other community activities.
With these reasons, who can go wrong with going to a military school?
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